1. God has not stripped guidance though mighty be His might,
Nor has God stripped error though victorious His aid.
١. فَلا اِنتَزَعَ اللَهُ الهُدى عَزَّ بَأسه
وَلا اِنتَزَعَ اللَهُ الوَغى عَزَّ نَصره
2. He has excelled in guarding the Prophet and his Household,
And pastured the sheep of the religion, giving them His full thanks,
٢. وَأَحسَن عَن حِفظِ النَبِيِّ وَآله
وَرَعى سَوامِ الدينِ تَوفير شُكرِهِ
3. So you cannot attain the least of His rights
With a torrent of verse and overflowing prose.
٣. فَما تُدرِكُ المَدّاح أَدنى حُقوقهُ
بِإِغراقِ مَنظومِ الكَلامِ وَنَثرِهِ