1. Days have taught you an excess of experiences
As if you were an old man in the span of time
١. أَفادَت بِكَ الأَيّامُ فَرطَ تَجارِبٍ
كَأَنَّكَ في فَرقِ الزَمانِ مَشيبُ
2. And every far thing, it brought near to it
Your horses roaming free, near at hand
٢. وُكُلُّ بَعيدٍ قَرَّبَ الحَينَ نَحوُهُ
سَلاهِبُكَ الجُردُ الجِيادُ قَريبُ
3. You traverse the regions of the countries as if they are
Winds blowing freely in the air
٣. تَباشَرُ أَقطارَ البِلادِ كَأَنَّها
رِياحٌ لَها في الخافِقينَ هُبوبُ
4. You walk with young men whose bodies
Are like hearts above the saddles because of their lightness
٤. تَماشى بِفِتيانٍ كَأَنَّ جُسومَهُم
لِخِفَّتِها فَوقَ السُروجِ قُلوبُ
5. And you fill what is between the two horizons with bustling
Stirred by the face of the sun which pales it
٥. وَتَملَأُ ما بَينَ الفَضائينَ عِثيراً
مُثاراً بِوَجهِ الشَمسِ مِنهُ شَحوبُ
6. And none can attain lofty goals except one refined
Who measures up to it and attains it
٦. وَما يُدرِكُ العَلياءَ إِلّا مُهَذَّبٌ
يُصابُ عَلى مِقدارِهِ وَيُصيبُ
7. So do not choose companions before testing them
For not every sweet date is of high quality
٧. فَلا تَصطَفِ الإِخوانَ قَبلَ اِختِبارِهم
فَما كُلُّ خِلٍّ تَصطَفيهِ نَجيبُ