1. My opinion and any other are equal, and fate
Has continued to bestow its days of empire,
١. فَإِنَّ رَأي لا رَأي سواءاً وَلا بَرح ال
إِقبال مُشتَمِلاً أَيّامَ دَولَتِهِ
2. Wishing from its bounty to grant me a robe
That would suffice for my tongue in thanks for its favor,
٢. أَن يَقتَضي لي مِن إِنعامِهِ خِلَعاً
تَنوبُ عَن مَنطِقي في شُكرِ نِعمَتهُ
3. So that when the envious regard it outspread
They will know it as proof of his intention.
٣. إِذا تَأَمَّلَها الحُسّادُ لائِحَةً
تَيَقَّنوا أَنَّها عُنوانُ نِيَّتِهِ