
They scattered jewels and clay, and I have

نثروا الجواهر واللجين وليس لي

1. They scattered jewels and clay, and I have
nothing to offer but panegyrics to scatter

١. نَثَروا الجَواهِرَ وَاللَجينَ ولَيسَ لي
شَيءٌ عَلَيهِ سِوى المَدائِحِ أَنثُرُ

2. with odes like pearls; if recited they are praise,
and if their fragrance spreads, they are ambergris.

٢. بِقَصائِد كَالدر إِن هِيَ أُنشِدَت
وَثَناً إِذا ما فاحَ فَهُوَ العَنبَرُ