1. I blamed fate for delaying what I seek
It said, why blame me for what is forbidden?
١. لُمتُ الزَمانَ عَلى تَأخيرِ مُطَّلَبي
فَقالَ ما وَجهُ لَومي وَهُوَ مَحظورُ
2. I said, had you wished, my hope would not have passed in vain
It said, you erred; nay, had Sapur willed.
٢. فَقُلتُ لَو شِئتَ ما فاتَ الغِنى أَمَلي
فَقالَ أَخطَأتَ بَل لَو شاءَ سابورُ
3. Seek aid from the vizier Abu Nasr and pursue your fancies
Indulge yourself, for in indulgence you have excuse
٣. عُذ بِالوَزيرِ أَبي نَصرٍ وَسَل شَطَطاً
أَسرِف فَإِنَّكَ في الإِسرافِ مَعذورُ
4. I have long accepted this advice from my time
Advice is welcomed even from enemies.
٤. وَقَد تَقَبَّلتُ هذا النُصحَ مِن زَمَني
وَالنُصحُ حَتّى مِنَ الأَعداءِ مَشكورُ
5. My hopeful glances cannot turn away from you
Can a purchased slave leave the light?
٥. وَما لِطَرفِ رَجائي عَنكَ مُنصَرِفُ
وَهَل يُفارِقُ جُرمُ المُشتَري النورُ