
After your praise, elegy followed

خلف المدائح بعدك التأبين

1. After your praise, elegy followed
For what misfortune can religion be consoled?

١. خَلفَ المَدائِح بَعدَكَ التَأبينُ
عَن أَيِّ حادِثَةٍ يُعَزّى الدينُ

2. Nothing in life was like your day
It dazzled minds, and we see it will not be again

٢. ما كانَ في الدُنيا كَيَومِكَ مَشهَدٌ
بَهَرَ العُقولَ وَلا نَراهُ يَكونُ

3. No danger remained, so every misfortune
Is insignificant to it, and every calamity seems minor

٣. لَم يَبقَ مَحذوراً فَكُلُّ مُصيبَةٍ
جَلَلٌ لَدَيهِ وَكُلُّ خَطبٍ دونُ

4. Guidance lost its serenity after your absence
Its movement has been stillness since you were gone

٤. هَب لِلهُدى مِن بَعدِ فَقدِكَ سَلوَة
فَحِراكَهُ مُذ غِبتَ عَنهُ سُكونُ

5. Does the news of your death still cause anguish among the tribes?
In it the tearful have a spring

٥. أَبقى نَعِيُّكَ في القَبائِلِ لَوعَةً
فيها لِمُنسَرِبِ الدُموعِ مَعينُ

6. The four quadrants sought aid from Najd
For the plains of your glory are saddened by the affliction

٦. أَرَبيعَةَ الفُرسَ اِستَجَدّى نَجدَةً
فَسُهولُ عِزِّكِ بِالمُصابِ حُزُنُ

7. Be as you are, sorrowful, but with composure
The grieved differ from the grieving

٧. كُن كَأَنتَ أَسىً وَلكِن بِالحجى
يَتَفاضَلُ المَحزونُ وَالمَحزونُ

8. The glory that diminished misfortunes
With the sword of the state, passed away

٨. وَلى بِسَيفِ الدَولَةِ العِزُّ الَّذي
كانَت عَلَيهِ مِنَ الخُطوبِ تَهونُ