1. Lead me at dawn before the morning light
And roam in the arena of youth and delight
١. غادِني بِالصُبوحِ قَبلَ الصَباحِ
وَاِجرِ في حَلبَةِ الصِبا وَالمراحِ
2. Seize the visitor of passion, for good tidings
Were heralded by the breeze from the winds alight
٢. وَاِغتَنِم زائِرِ الغَرامِ فَقَد بَشْ
شرَ بِالغَيثِ مِن نَسيمِ الرِياحِ
3. Give me the wine as the bubbly when
Crowned by its foam with berries bright
٣. عاطِنيها كَالجَلنارِ إِذا ما
كُلِّلَت مِن حَبابِه بِالأَقاحِ
4. In excelling in the scent of apples and wine
Not in the quantity of apples in sight
٤. في اِختِصاصِ التُفّاحِ بِالطَيِّبِ وَالخَم
رَةِ لا في كَثافَةِ التُفّاحِ
5. It's no wonder that it derives the sun's rays
Like stars derive their light
٥. غَيرَ نَكرٍ أَن تَستَمِدَّ شُعاعَ ال
شَمسِ مِنها كَواكِبَ الأَقداحِ
6. It's the origin of gentleness in its essence
As its drops are the element of limpid white
٦. فَهِيَ أَصلُ الأَنوارِ لُطفاً كَما كا
ساتُها عُنصُرُ الزلالِ القَراحِ
7. Bodies are drawn to it by nature
When witnessing its closeness to the soul and sprite
٧. خَدَمَتها الأَجسامُ بِالطَبعِ لما
شاهَدَت قُربَها مِنَ الأَرواحِ
8. So it mended my languor and laziness
And stirred my stillness and respite
٨. فَتَدارَك بِها حَشاشَةَ أَفرا
حي وَحَرَّكَ بِها سُكونَ أَرتِياحي
9. Between two rose buds and goblets
Of pleasure and comfort, out of sight
٩. بَينَ وَردَينِ مِن بَنانٍ وَخَد
وَشَرابَينِ مِن رِضابٍ وَراحِ
10. A melody deduced from a tale
A song that makes one forsake invite
١٠. وَنَشيدٍ مُستَنبطٍ مِن حَديثٍ
وَغِناءٍ يُغني عَن الأَقداحِ
11. For the sweetest life mixes corruption with its
Virtue, wrong with right
١١. فَأَلَذّ الحَياةِ ما خَلَطَ العا
قِلُ فيهِ فَسادَهُ بِصَلاحِ