1. Who can be fairer than the Just Judge of the Book,
The sun of knowledge, the moon of literature.
١. مَن مُنصِفي مِن مُحكِمِ الكِتابِ
شَمسُ العُلومِ قَمَرُ الآدابِ
2. He has excelled in describing words,
And attained glory never before attained.
٢. أَضحى لِأَوصافِ الكَلامِ مُحرِزا
وَسامَ أَن يَلحَقَ لَمّا بَرَزا
3. Can the laggard ever catch up with the frontrunner?
Or can the latecomer equal the excused?
٣. وَهل يُجارى السابِقُ المُقَصِّرُ
أَم هَل يُساوي المُدرِكُ المُعذرُ
4. He continues to turn away from any purpose,
And incite me with what he issues.
٤. ما زالَ بي عَن غَرضٍ مُعرِضاً
وَلي بِما يُصدِرُهُ مُستَنهِضا
5. Sometimes he employs a coquettish style,
With innovations that encompass all attributes.
٥. فَتارَةً يَعتَمِدُ الخَطافا
بِبِدَعٍ تَستَغرِقُ الأَوصافا
6. And other times he means by "green parrot"
An argument for my superiority.
٦. وَتارَةً يعني بِنَعتِ القَبجِ
مِن مَنطِقي لِفَضلِهِ مُحتَجِّ
7. He circles around a known theme
And a purpose that is clear in his poetry,
٧. يَحومُ حَولَ غَرضٍ مَعلوم
وَمَقصَدٍ في شِعرِهِ مَفهومِ
8. Until the spittle of clarity has appeared
And the figurative yielded to the literal.
٨. حَتّى تَجَلَّت رَغوَةَ الصَريحِ
وَسَلَم التَلويحُ لِلتَصريحِ
9. It is established that his purpose with "parrot"
Is all that he used to previously mention.
٩. وَصَحَّ أَنَّ البَبَّغاءَ مَقصِدُهُ
بِكُلِّ ما كانَ قَديماً يُوردُهُ
10. He left no room for anyone to say
Anything else or for any other notion.
١٠. فَلَم يَدَع لِقائِلٍ مَقالا
فيها وَلا لِخاطِرٍ مَجالا
11. He gifted it the finest of all attributes,
And crafted for it the most beautiful adornments.
١١. أَهدي لَها مِن كُلِّ نَعتٍ أَحسَنَهُ
وَصاغَ مِن حُلى المَعاني أَزيَنَهُ
12. He adorned it with grey, green, and red feathers,
And green enamel and carnelian.
١٢. أَحالَ بِالريشِ الأَشيَبِ الأَخضَرِ
وَبِاِحمرارٍ طَوقَها وَالمُنسِرِ
13. It is adorned with ankle bracelets of emerald
And earrings like chrysolite pendants.
١٣. عَلى اِختِلاطِ الرَوضِ بِالشَقيقِ
وَأَخضَرَ الميناءِ بِالعقيقِ
14. It has a handsome beak, as if it was carved
From coral, made graceful and proportioned.
١٤. تَزهى بِدَوّاجٍ مِنَ الزُمُرُدِ
وَمُقلَةٍ كَسَبجٍ في عَسجَدِ
15. Its solitary confinement has made it
The most eloquent of earthly creatures.
١٥. وَحُسنُ مِنقارٍ أَشَمَّ قاني
كَأَنَّما صيغَ مِنَ المُرجانِ
16. It is distinguished among birds by speech
Above all creatures except humankind.
١٦. صَيَّرَها اِنفِرادُها في الحَبسِ
بِنُطقِها مِن فُصَحاءِ الإِنسِ
17. It relates what it hears without lies
Or changing earnestness into jest.
١٧. تَمَيَّزَت في الطَيرِ بِالبَيانِ
عَن كُلِّ مَخلوقٍ سِوى الإِنسانِ
18. Its nourishment is the finest, most luxurious food.
It drinks no water and fears no headache.
١٨. تَحكي الَّذي تَسمَعهُ بِلا كَذِبِ
مِن غَيرِ تَغييرٍ لِجَدٍّ أَو لَعِبِ
19. It has a passion that makes it think
Only rice, not jewels, is true treasure.
١٩. غِذاؤُها أَزكى طَعام رَغَدا
لا تَشرَبُ الماءَ وَلا تَخشى الصَدا
20. It seems as if each grain in its beak
Is a pearl floating in its goblet.
٢٠. ذاتُ شُغىً تَحسَبُهُ ياقوتا
لا تَرتَضي غَيرَ الأَرُزُّ قوتا
21. Its great ferocity has lodged it
In an iron cage.
٢١. كَأَنَّما الحبَةُ في مِنقارِها
حَبابَةٌ تَطفو عَلى عُقارِها
22. It is like a cheek beneath green garb
Lodged in a shabby, unadorned cage.
٢٢. إِقدامها بِبَأسِها الشَديدِ
أَسكَنَها في قَفَصِ الحَديدِ
23. The Prophet described it beyond what's conceivable,
With attributes no other creature possesses.
٢٣. فَهِيَ كَخودٍ في لِباسٍ أَخضَرِ
تَأوي إِلى خَركاهَةِ لَم تستَتِر
24. Had I no title, I'd not abbreviate,
But I feared it might be said "the victor."
٢٤. وَوَصفها المُعجِزُ مالا يُدرَكُ
وَمِثلُهُ في غَيرِها لا يُملَكُ
25. It is described according to its merit,
By the skill of my father Isaac.
٢٥. لَو لَم تَكُن لي لَقَباً لَم أَختَصِر
لَكن خَشيتُ أَن يُقالَ مُنتَصِر
26. He ennobled it and increased its nobility
With a decree he crafted in its description.
٢٦. وَإِنَّما تُنعتُ بِاِستِحقاقِ
لِوَصفِها حذقُ أَبي إِسحاقِ
27. How can I repay with choice praise
One who directed praise to my name and title?
٢٧. شَرَّفها وَزادَ في تَشريفِها
بِحكمٍ أَبدَعَ في تَفويفِها
٢٨. فَكَيفَ أَجزي بِالثَناءِ المُنتَخِبِ
مَن صَرفَ المَدحَ إِلى اِسمي وَاللَقَبِ