
I learned from his eyelashes the whisper of magic

تعلمت من أجفانه نفثة السحر

1. I learned from his eyelashes the whisper of magic
So I made it in every verse of my poetry

١. تعلمت من أجفانه نفثة السحر
فضمنته في كل قافية شعري

2. And the warbling of the nightingales taught me the rhyme of his garden
O, his rosy cheek, his peerless garden, I am its moon

٢. وعلمني سجع البلابل ورده
فيا روض خديه النضير أنا القمري

3. Spring flowed in his softness, don't you see
His cheek takes on the colors of different flowers

٣. جرى في نثنيه الربيع أما ترى
تلون خديه بمختلف الزهر

4. A breeze blew over his gentleness
So it tilted, and we said it was the intoxication of wine

٤. ومرت على ألطافه نسمة الصبا
فمال وقلنا إنها نشوة الخمر

5. I was drunk, I don't know if from the wine of his saliva
Which was delicious, or from the intoxicating wine of his death

٥. سكرت فما أدري أمن خمر ريقه
وقد ساغ أم من خمر مقتله سكري

6. I kept mentioning him but my anguish did not subside
Does the fire of passion ever diminish with mere mention?

٦. وكررت ذكراه فلم تطف غلتي
وهل تنطفي نار الصبابة بالذكر

7. Beware of his eyebrows, for I
Took precaution from the arrow he aimed at me

٧. خذوا حذركم من حاجبيه فإنني
أخذت من السهم الذي راشه حذري

8. The fever blisters on his delicate mouth protected his cheeks
Woe to whoever dares approach that mouth!

٨. حمت ثغره الألمي عقارب صدغه
فيا ويل من يدنو لحامية الثغر

9. I set my heart and soul as bait for him
So he took it suddenly, though he knew and did not know

٩. نصبت له القلب المعنى درية
ففاجأه من حيث يدري ولا يدري

10. And those curls sent chains
Which captured that heart in shackles

١٠. وأرسل من تلك الجعود سلاسلاً
فأوقعن ذاك القلب في شرك الأسر

11. Since his eyelids warned me after a period
That eyelids are harbingers

١١. ونبأني مذ أرسل الجفن منذراً
على فترة أن الجفون من النذر

12. He's stingy, but generous in visiting and meeting
Lavish, but aloof in estrangement and separation

١٢. بخيلٍ ولكن في الزيارة واللقا
جواد ولكن في القطيعة والهجر

13. He smiled in the face of darkness, lighting it up
And adorned it with pearls, his pearly smile

١٣. تبسم في وجه الدجى فأناره
وزينه بالدر مبسمه الدري

14. The water of beauty rippled in the basin of his cheek
Foaming, so we said the water flowed over embers

١٤. تموج ماء الحسن في صحن خده
نميراً فقلنا الماء سال على الجمر

15. Oh, slender waist and ripe heavy hips
Tender toward that destitute man

١٥. أيا واهناً خصراً ومثر روادفاً
حناناً على ذاك الفقير من المثري

16. I made you a sign of wrath and pleasure
For in both states, you obediently follow orders

١٦. قطعتك أماراً على السخط والرضى
فأنت لدى الحالين ممتثل الأمر

17. And I confessed my longing but did not attain an hour with him
I am no Kuthayyir among nightingales, O my rock!

١٧. وصرحت في شوقي فما نلت ساعةً
فما أنا خنساء البلابل يا صخري

18. Moon-like faces definitely overpowered me
And my heart was seized by a raid of love at full moon

١٨. لقد صرعتني أوجه قمريةٍ
وأدرك قلبي غزوة الحب في بدر

19. I believed in the opening of the eyes as spies
For those eyes were built on deception

١٩. وآمنت في فتح العيون نواعساً
إا بنيت تلك العيون على الكسر

20. O dawn of his shining cheeks, I seek refuge in you
From the night of separation when it flows

٢٠. فيا فجر خديه المبين ضياؤه
أعيذك من ليل العذار إذا يسري

21. You unveiled us and sang loudly
Of my wedding, O bird of fortune and glad tidings

٢١. كشفت الدجى عنا وغردت صادحاً
بعرس علي طائر السعد والبشر

22. A young man whose veins were honored, so he rose
High above the crest of the galaxy and the eagle

٢٢. فتىً كرمت أعراقه فتطاولت
علواًعلى هام المجرة والنسر

23. His efforts are beautiful and graceful like shooting stars
But they shone in counting and recording

٢٣. مساعيه مثل الشهب حسناً ورونقاً
ولكنها جلت على العد والحصر

24. His qualities rose on the horizon of generosity
No wonder if they surpassed the stars in brilliance

٢٤. طلعن بأفق المكرمات صفاته
فلا نكر لو فاقت على الأنجم الزهر

25. I strung a necklace at the nape of glory
So its center became part of that string

٢٥. لقد نظمت عقداً على منحر العلى
فأصبح وسط العقد من ذلك النحر

26. He was raised with the rock of virtue as a child
So his efforts grew him to the House and the Stone

٢٦. تربي بحجر الفضل طفلاً فأصبحت
مساعيه تنميه إلى البيت والحجر

27. One can perceive in him the chastity of rejecting vileness
As he willed, like the purest perfume

٢٧. تفرس منه عمه عفة الردى
فكان كما شاء الإباطيب الأزر

28. The glory of his uncle sufficed as a refuge and shelter for him
It gave him safety and eased his way

٢٨. أخو المجد كفاه أماناً وملجأ
فيمناه من أمن ويسراه من يسر

29. He was humble so he rose above the star
The Seer exalted him - God forbid him from arrogance

٢٩. تواضع فاستعلى على النجم راقياً
وأكبره الرائي وحاشاه من كبر

30. His conscience appeared loyal in his deeds
Secretly and openly to God

٣٠. لقد ظهرت منه الضمائر مخلصاً
بأعماله للَه في السر والجهر

31. He sees transmitting from his deeds as his duty
So he does not restrict them to the odd and even

٣١. يرى النقل من أفعاله مثل فرضه
فلم يقتصر منها على الشفع والوتر

32. He revives his nights reverently and fearfully
For to him, all nights are as the Night of Destiny

٣٢. لياليه يحييها خشوعاً وخشيةً
فكل الليالي عنده ليلة القدر

33. Contemplate the meaning if you praise him
For the meaning of Ali is beyond thought

٣٣. تأمل بمعناه إذا رمت مدحه
فمعنى علي القدر جل عن الفكر

34. If an accurate text comes with his praise
Then where is the status of poetry compared to the Wise Remembrance?

٣٤. إذا هل أتى نص أتت بمديحه
فأين مقام الشعر من محكم الذكر

35. His forbearance anchored a lofty dune and his dignity weighed heaviest
But his nature is gentler than wine

٣٥. رسى حلمه طوداً ووقره الحجى
ولكنه طبعاً أرق من الخمر

36. To you, Ali of high rank, I send my poetry, exalted
Though to me poetry has no worth

٣٦. إليك علي القدر شعري رفته
وإن لم أكن للشعر عندي من قدر

37. And I am not one who belittles poetry its due
For the best of creation said there is wisdom in poetry

٣٧. وما أنا ممن يبخس الشعر حقه
وقد قال خير الخلق إن من الشعر

38. But I saw poetry in this age as a shaken state
With no prohibition or order

٣٨. ولكن رأيت الشعر في العصر دولةً
مضعضعةً من غير نهي ولا أمر

39. Should I blame the masters of poetry when
Its foxes are seen running in improper arenas?

٣٩. أما لأسود الشعر عذر إذا رأت
ثعالبه في غير ميدانها تجري

40. To you belongs the traveling pen, whether its light
Is more truthful than white or black

٤٠. لك القلم المجوال إما مضاؤه
فأصدق في الهيجا من البيض والسمر

41. Knowledgeable of what is beyond the veil, speaking
Of what was in the days, from the world of particles

٤١. عليم بما خلف الحجاب محدث
بما كان في الأيام من عالم الذر

42. If meanings hide from him, they become
Despite themselves, with torn covers and veils

٤٢. إذا استترت عنه معانيه أصبحت
على رغمها مهتوكة الحجب والستر

43. He dictates the opening of the Most High, so you'd think
He dictates from the unseen in that book

٤٣. بسفر العلى يملي فتحسب أنه
عن الغيب ما يمليه في ذلك السفر

44. Thus he was like Moses, who came with his right hand
A staff which nullified their sorcery

٤٤. فكان كموسى قد أتى بيمينه
عصاً أبطلت ما يأفكون من السحر

45. You set forth time's course, your sublime traits are contained
By the sea's host, for glory lies in your army

٤٥. قدم مالكاً عمر الزمان تحاط من
معاليك بأن المجد في عسكر بحر