1. Oh, burning passion, if only the valleys
Of 'Amir's tribes were bound
١. أَلا يا لَهفِ لَو شَدَّت قَناتي
قَبائِلُ عامِرٍ يَومَ الصَبيبِ
2. On the day we gathered at Ka'b against them
Among the sons of Harib
٢. غَداةَ تَجَمَّعَت كَعبٌ عَلَينا
جَلائِبَ بَينَ أَبناءِ الحَريبِ
3. When they saw us in ambush
Like lions in their den, they were wary
٣. فَلَمّا أَن رَأَونا في وَغاها
كَآسادِ العَرينَةِ وَالحَجيبِ
4. They gathered, then scattered in the meadows
Like frightened deer avoiding danger
٤. تَداعَوا ثُمَّ مالوا في ذُراها
كَفِعلِ مُعانِتٍ أَمِنَ الرَجيبِ
5. They fled like ostriches with full bellies
Fearful of any watcher, they ran
٥. وَطاروا كالنَعامِ بِبَطنِ قَوِّ
مُواءَلَةً عَلى حَذَرِ الرَقيبِ
6. We prevented them from reaching
The insides of valley or dune
٦. مَنَعنا الغَيلَ مِمَّن حَلَّ فيهِ
إِلى بَطنِ الجَريبِ إِلى الكَثيبِ
7. With horses, their coats glittering, among us
Like roaring lionesses on the hunt
٧. وَخَيلٍ عالِكاتِ اللُجمِ فينا
كَأَنَّ كُماتَها أُسدُ الضَريبِ
8. And steeds, their white forms gathered
Racing by the hillside like flames
٨. وَجُردٌ جَمعُها بيضٌ خِفافٌ
عَلى جَنبَي تُضارِعَ فَاللَهيبِ
9. They blocked you off from Najd
And the valley of Jubah and Hathayb
٩. هُمُ سَدّوا عَلَيكُم بَطنَ نَجدٍ
وَضَرّاتِ الجُبابَةِ وَالهَضيبِ
10. We killed their noble elders there
And captured their youths and servants
١٠. قَتَلنا مِنهُمُ أَسلافَ صِدقٍ
وَأُبنا بِالأُسارى وَالقَعيبِ