
Among us are those who built not for their people

فينا معاشرُ لم يبنوا لقومهمُ

1. Among us are those who built not for their people
Though the people's children did no harm, they opposed

١. فينا مَعاشِرُ لَم يَبنوا لِقِومِهِمُ
وَإِنَّ بَني قَومِهِم ما أَفسَدوا عادوا

2. They offer no guidance, nor heed their guide
So ignorance and misguidance is their fate

٢. لا يَرشُدون وَلَن يَرعوا لِمُرشِدِهم
فَالغَيُّ مِنهُم مَعاً وَالجَهلُ ميعادُ

3. They were like Luqaym among his clan
When 'Aad were destroyed for what they began

٣. كَانوا كَمِثلِ لُقَيمٍ في عَشيرَتِهِ
إذ أُهلِكَت بِالَّذي قَد قَدَّمَت عادُ

4. Or like Qudar who followed and then
Led people astray till destruction came

٤. أَو بَعدَه كِقُدارٍ حينَ تابَعَهُ
عَلى الغِوايَةِ أَقوامٌ فَقَد بادوا

5. A house is built on pillars set deep
With no pillars standing the roof cannot keep

٥. وَالبَيتُ لا يُبتَنى إِلّا لَهُ عَمَدٌ
وَلا عِمادَ إِذا لَم تُرسَ أَوتادُ

6. When pillars and beams come together as one
They accomplish what they together had done

٦. فَإِن تَجَمَّعَ أَوتادٌ وَأَعمِدَةٌ
وَساكِنٌ بَلَغوا الأَمرَ الَّذي كادوا

7. When men of merit and lineage convene
Their affairs succeed guided rightly I ween

٧. وَإِن تَجَمَّعَ أَقوامٌ ذَوو حَسَبٍ
اِصطادَ أَمرَهُمُ بِالرُشدِ مُصطادُ

8. Mankind cannot prosper lacking leadership
Nor succeed when ignorance takes precedence

٨. لا يَصلُحُ الناسُ فَوضى لا سَراةَ لَهُم
وَلا سَراةَ إِذا جُهّالُهُم سادوا

9. With the rightly-guided affairs come to rights
Else with evil men all things lead to blights

٩. تُلفى الأُمورُ بِأَهلِ الرُشدِ ما صَلَحَت
فَإِن تَوَلَّوا فَبِالأَشرارِ تَنقادُ

10. When the leadership of a people goes astray
Their affairs decline and worsen each day

١٠. إِذا تَوَلّى سَراةُ القَومِ أَمرَهُمُ
نَما عَلى ذاك أَمرُ القَومِ فَاِزدادوا

11. The mark of misguidance is that the mass assents
When resolving affairs though fools represent

١١. أَمارَةُ الغَيِّ أَن تَلقى الجَميعَ لَدى ال
إِبرامِ لِلأَمرِ وَالأَذنابُ أَكتادُ

12. What guidance when you're among a band
For whom guidance is shackled, banned?

١٢. كَيفَ الرَشادُ إِذا ما كُنتَ في نَفَرٍ
لَهُم عَنِ الرُشدِ أَغلالٌ وَأَقيادُ

13. They gave their reins to ignorance leading their way
So all were by misguidance led astray

١٣. أَعطَوا غُواتَهَمُ جَهلاً مَقادَتَهُم
فَكُلُّهُم في حِبالِ الغَيِّ مُنقادُ

14. Time to move where goodness can be found
Though kin be near and homeland abound

١٤. حانَ الرَحيلُ إِلى قَومٍ وَإِن بَعُدوا
فيهِم صَلاحٌ لِمُرتادٍ وَإِرشادُ

15. Salvation, if you've vision, is to flee
The harm of misguidance - leave, break free

١٥. فَسَوفَ أَجعَلُ بُعدَ الأَرضِ دونَكُمُ
وَإِن دَنَت رَحِمٌ مِنكُم وَميلادُ

16. The good grows the more you meet with it
While evil diminishes if you limit it

١٦. إِنَّ النَجاةَ إِذا ما كُنتَ ذا بَصَرٍ
مِن أَجَّةِ الغَيِّ إِبعادٌ فَإِبعادُ

١٧. وَالخَيرُ تَزدادُ مِنهُ ما لَقيتَ بِهِ
وَالشَرُّ يَكفيكَ مِنهُ قَلَّ ما زادُ