1. Alas, comfort me and know that I am deceived
I was never helped by precaution or forethought
١. أَلا عَلِّلاني وَاِعلَما أَنَّني غَرَر
وَما خِلتُ يُجديني الشَفاقُ وَلا الحَذَر
2. I was never helped by my medicines though my joints
And limbs are disjointed and my sight grows dim
٢. وَما خِلتُ يُجديني أَساتي وَقَد بَدَت
مَفاصِلُ أَوصالي وَقَد شَخَصَ البَصَر
3. The women of the tribe came without a leader
Wailing like cows led to slaughter
٣. وَجاءَ نِساءُ الحَيِّ مِن غَيرِ أَمرَةٍ
زَفيفاً كَما زَفَّت إِلى العَطَنِ البَقَر
4. They brought cold water and washing rags
Oh what a washing to be followed by tears
٤. وَجاؤوا بِماءٍ بارِدٍ وَبِغِسلَةٍ
فَيا لَكَ مِن غُسلٍ سَيتبَعُهُ عِبَر
5. A wailing woman weeps while another laments
Some show grief plainly, some hide it within
٥. فَنائِحَةٌ تَبكي وَلِلنَوحِ دَرسَةٌ
وَأَمرٌ لَها يَبدو وَأَمرٌ لَها يُسَر
6. Among them one whose cheeks are furrowed
By flowing tears that pierce her heart
٦. وَمِنهُنَّ مَن قَد شَقَّقَ الخَمشُ وَجهَها
مُسَلِّبَةً قَد مَسَّ أَحشاءَها العِبَر
7. They cast his clothes over him and grieved
Keening arose and people gathered around
٧. فَرَمّوا لَهُ أَثوابَهُ وَتفَجَّعوا
وَرَنَّ مُرِنّاتٌ وَثارَ بِه النَفَر
8. To a grave he's consigned as his final home
That is the house of truth, not wool or poetry
٨. إِلى حُفرَةٍ يَأوي إِلَيها بِسَعيِهِ
فَذَلِكَ بَيتُ الحَقِّ لا الصوفُ وَالشَعَر
9. They heaped on him damp soil and dry
Nothing lasts but that, all else is fleeting
٩. وَهالوا عَلَيه التُربَ رَطباً وَيابِساً
أَلا كُلُّ شَيءٍ ما سِوى تِلكَ يُجتَبَر
10. Those I made suffer and saddened said
Take my place, contemplation is in vain
١٠. وَقالَ الَّذينَ قَد شَجَوتُ وَساءَهُم
مَكاني وَما يُغني التَأَمُّلُ وَالنَظَر
11. Stay a while and find joy in remembering
Your brother in a prayer for his soul
١١. قِفوا ساعَةً فَاِسَتمتِعوا مِن أَخيكُمُ
بِقُربٍ وَذِكرٍ صالِحٍ حينَ يُدَّكَر