
If you see my head has become hoary,

إن ترى رأسي فيه قزعٌ

1. If you see my head has become hoary,
And my temples have become bare of hair,

١. إِن تَرى رَأسِيَ فيهِ قَزَعٌ
وَشَواتي خَلَّةً فيها دُوارُ

2. They were once of a single color,
But are now two colors, and in that is a lesson.

٢. أَصبَحَت مِن بَعدِ لَونٍ واحدٍ
وَهيَ لَونانِ وَفي ذاكَ اِعتِبارُ

3. The turns of fate in its cycles
Are a garment, rising and falling.

٣. فَصُروفُ الدَهرِ في أَطباقِهِ
خِلعَةٌ فيها اِرتِفاعٌ وَاِنحِدارُ

4. While people in their pride
Suddenly plunge into an abyss and are gone.

٤. بَينَما الناسُ على عَليائِها
إِذ هَوَوا في هُوَّةٍ مِنها فَغاروا

5. The blessings of a people are but a loan,
And a man's life is a borrowed garb.

٥. إِنَّما نِعمَةُ قَومٍ مُتعَةٌ
وَحَياةُ المَرءِ ثَوبٌ مُستَعارُ

6. Its nights sap his strength
Cutting it down, while the horizons gleam red.

٦. وَلَياليهِ إِلالٌ لِلقُوى
مِن مُداهَ تَختَليها وَشِفارُ

7. The night takes from him a power,
And as it revolves around him it does not diminish.

٧. تَقطَعُ اللَيلَةُ مِنهُ قُوَّةً
وَكَما كَرَّت عَلَيهِ لا تُغارُ

8. Fate has decreed for us that it
Is a darkness that cannot be dispelled by might.

٨. حَتَمَ الدَهرُ عَلَينا أَنَّهُ
ظَلَفٌ ما نالَ مِنّا وَجُبارُ

9. Each day it has a new adversity,
From which no man of foresight escapes unscathed.

٩. فَلَهُ في كُلِّ يَومٍ عَدوَةٌ
لَيسَ عَنها لِاِمرِئٍ طارَ مَطارُ

10. They unleashed their asperity upon us and shot
Their arrows above and below.

١٠. رَيَّشَت جُرهُمُ نَبلاً فَرَمى
جُرهُماً مِنهُنَّ فوقٌ وَغِرارُ

11. They taught stab wounds in the kidneys,
And the cutting of tendons, leaving the victim confused.

١١. عَلَّموا الطَعنَ مَعَدّاً في الكُلى
وَاِدِّراعَ اللَأَمِ فَالطَرفُ يَحارُ

12. And charging on horseback, speeding across the plain,
The horses' necks dyed red in gallantry.

١٢. وَرُكوبَ الخَيلِ تَعدوالمَرَطى
قَد عَلاها نَجَدٌ فيهِ اِحمِرارُ

13. O sons of Hagar, evil was the idea
That you should attack and dispossess us!

١٣. يا بَني هاجَرَ ساءَت خُطَّةً
أَن تَروموا النِصفَ مِنّا وَنُجارُ

14. If my dowry circulates among you for a round,
The responsibility among you is to restore it fully.

١٤. إِن يَجُل مُهرِيَ فيكُم جَولَةً
فَعَلَيهِ الكَرُّ فيكُم وَالغِوارُ

15. A horseman hurls it at you
Like a shooting star, his palm holding the fire of war.

١٥. كَشِهابِ القَذفِ يَرميكُم بِه
فارِسٌ في كَفِّهِ لِلحَربِ نارُ

16. He who has protected his honor from you
Now wages battle and is jealous for it.

١٦. شَنَّ مِن أَودٍ عَلَيكُم شَنَّةً
إِنَّهُ يَحمي حِماها وَيَغارُ

17. A knight whose steed is well-trained,
Staining the lance when the dust rises.

١٧. فارِسٌ صَعدَتُهُ مَسمومَةٌ
تَخضِبُ الرُمحَ إِذا طارَ الغُبارُ

18. He charges not out of ignorance and recklessness,
But with dignified forbearance for war.

١٨. مُستَطيرٌ لَيس مِن جَهلٍ وَهَل
لِأَخي الحِلمِ عَلى الحَربِ وَقارُ

19. The fool shows tolerance to be spared,
While the forbearing cannot restrain themselves when war comes.

١٩. يَحلُمُ الجاهِلُ لِلسِلمِ وَلا
يَقِرُ الحِلمُ إِذا ما القَومُ غاروا

20. We are the tribe of Awd, and for Awd there is a precedent
Of glory, which for us cannot be diminished.

٢٠. نَحنُ أَودٌ وَلِأَودٍ سُنَّةٌ
شَرَفٌ لَيسَ لَنا عَنهُ قَصارُ

21. A precedent we inherited from Mudhij
Before Nasr was attributed to the people.

٢١. سُنَّةٌ أَورَثناها مَذحِجٌ
قَبلَ أَن يُنسَبَ لِلناسِ نِزارُ

22. We trained horses until the leather straps
Were cut from their chests and withers.

٢٢. نَحنُ قُدنا الخَيلَ حَتّى اِنقَطَعَت
شُدُنُ الأَفلاءِ عَنها وَالمِهارُ

23. Whenever we marched we left behind a place
Where beasts of the land had banded together in dens.

٢٣. كُلَّما سِرنا تَرَكنا مَنزِلاً
فيهِ شَتّى مِن سِباعِ الأَرضِ غاروا

24. You could see birds above our trail
Peering down, confident that it would continue.

٢٤. وَتَرى الطَيرَ عَلى آثارِنا
رَأيَ عَينٍ ثِقَةً أَن سَتُمارُ

25. A mass of cloud pregnant with rain,
And stars flaring and flashing.

٢٥. جَحفَلٌ أَورَقَ فيهِ هَبوَةٌ
وَنُجومٌ تَتَلَظّى وَشَرارُ

26. The people deserted us, showing us their backs,
And fled, though fleeing does not ward off destiny.

٢٦. تَرَكَ الناسُ لَنا أَكتافَهُم
وَتَوَلَّوا لاتَ لَم يُغنِ الفِرارُ

27. Our kingdom is an ancient, original kingdom,
And the best of our people are the tribe of Awd.

٢٧. مُلكُنا مُلكٌ لَقاحٌ أَوَّلٌ
وَأَبونا مِن بَني أَودٍ خِيارُ

28. Not long ago you were few in number,
Like the tail tufts of lambs among the young.

٢٨. وَلَقَد كُنتُم حَديثاً زَمَعاً
وَذُنابى حَيثُ يَحتَلُّ الصَغارُ

29. We are the people of valor on the day of valor,
When white hands flashing in it are taloned.

٢٩. نَحنُ أَصحابُ شَباً يَومَ شَبا
بِصِفاحِ البيضِ فيهِنَّ اِظِّفارُ

30. Away from you across the land we are Mudhij,
And steadily the night betrays the day.

٣٠. عَنكُمُ في الأَرضِ إِنّا مَذحِجٌ
وَرُوَيداً يَفضَحُ اللَيلَ النَهارُ