
My father, horseman of Sarma, Amr son of Malik

أبي فارس الصرماء عمرو بن مالك

1. My father, horseman of Sarma, Amr son of Malik
On the morning of battle when he charged, stumbling

١. أَبي فارِسُ الصَرماءِ عَمرُو بنُ مالِكٍ
غَداةَ الوَغى إِذ مالَ بِالجَدَّ عاثِرُ

2. On the morning when people stayed in their rooms
Beating as the zealous beat the early risers

٢. غَداةَ أَقامَ الناسُ في حَجرَتَيهِم
ضِراباً كَما ذيدَ الخِماسُ البَواكرُ

3. With blows that make dreams fly from their dwellings
And thrusting of spears and the warrior is embroiled

٣. بِضَربٍ يُطيرُ الهامَ عَن سَكِناتِهِ
وَإِصرادِ طَعنٍ وَالقَنا مُتَشاجِرُ

4. So the war did not overwhelm him when it was ferocious
Nor did he flee when vile acts were perpetrated

٤. فَما غَمَرَتهُ الحَربُ إذ شَمَّرَت لَهُ
وَلا خارَ إِذ جُرَّت عَلَيهِ الجَرائِرُ

5. And my people when adversity afflicts the people, they display
And take refuge in the broken down houses

٥. وَقَومي إِذا كَحلٌ عَلى الناسِ صَرَّحَت
وَلاذَ بِأَذراءِ البُيوتِ الأَباعِرُ

6. And they were like orphans, every deep ravine
They violated their wealth, honor abundant

٦. وَكانَ اِتِّياماً كُلُّ حَرفٍ غَزيرَةٍ
أَهانوا لَها الأَموالَ وَالعِرضُ وافِرُ

7. They left the people of Tifaf and Sirba
Disheveled, while the praying ones departed

٧. هُمُ صَبَّحوا أَهلَ الطِفافِ وَسِربَةٍ
بِشُعثٍ عَلَيها المُصلِتونَ المَغاوِرُ

8. As if the disheveled horses under their saddlebags
Are buzzards it called to the dusk prayer

٨. كَأَنَّ الجِيادَ الشُعثَ تَحتَ رِحالِهِم
سَمامٌ دَعاها لِلمَزاحِفِ ناجِرُ