
O you who follow in our footsteps

أيها الساعي على آثارنا

1. O you who follow in our footsteps
We are not with you when the bows collide

١. أَيُّها الساعي عَلى آثارِنا
نَحنُ مَن لَستَ بِسَعّاءٍ مَعَه

2. And the highlands have opened their heights
On the day when the white swords shine bright

٢. نَحنُ أَودٌ حينَ تَصطَكُّ القَنا
وَالعَوالي لِلعَوالي مُشرَعَه

3. And for the people of the house discord stirs
Then in us is a fire seen for the villages

٣. يَومَ تُبدي البيضُ عَن لَمعِ البُرى
وَلِأَهلِ الدارِ فيها صَعصَعَه

4. Where for the guest are breadth and welcome

٤. ثُمَّ فينا لِلقِرى نارٌ يُرى
عِندَها لِلضَيفِ رُحبٌ وَسِعَه