
I say to her though she has soared aloft

أقول لها وقد طارت شعاعا

1. I say to her though she has soared aloft
Like heroes - but no, you shall not heed -

١. أَقولُ لَها وَقَد طارَت شَعاعاً
مِنَ الأَبطالِ وَيحَكَ لَن تُراعي

2. That even if you begged one extra day
Beyond your time, you'd not be obeyed

٢. فَإِنَّكِ لَو سَأَلتِ بَقاءَ يَومٍ
عَلى الأَجَلِ الَّذي لَكِ لَم تُطاعي

3. So resignation in death's sphere, resignation
For immortality's not to be obtained

٣. فَصَبراً في مَجالِ المَوتِ صَبراً
فَما نَيلُ الخُلودِ بِمُستَطاعِ

4. Nor the raiment of eternity with the robes of honor
To be folded off from my weak, helpless brother

٤. وَلا ثَوبُ البَقاءِ بِثَوبِ عِزٍّ
فَيُطوى عَن أَخي الخَنعِ اليُراعُ

5. Death's path's the goal of every living thing
Its caller to earth's people ever calling

٥. سَبيلُ المَوتِ غايَةُ كُلِّ حَيٍّ
فَداعِيَهُ لِأَهلِ الأَرضِ داعي

6. And he who's not preoccupied grows bored and aged
And the Fates deliver him to cessation

٦. وَمَن لا يُعتَبَط يَسأَم وَيَهرَم
وَتُسلِمهُ المَنونُ إِلى اِنقِطاعِ

7. A man has no good in a life
When he's counted among the fallen riches

٧. وَما لِلمَرءِ خَيرٌ في حَياةٍ
إِذا ما عُدَّ مِن سَقَطِ المَتاعِ