1. How different is the son of Ja'd from us
When we go forth mailed in our coats of steel,
١. لَشَتّانِ ما بَينَ اِبنِ جَعدٍ وَبَينَنا
إِذا نَحنُ رُحنا في الحَديدِ المُظاهَرِ
2. And meet the shock of many a valiant knight,
Staunch in the cruel fray with swords and spears!
٢. نُجالِدُ فُرسانَ المُهَلَّبِ كُلُّنا
صَبورٌ عَلى وَقعِ السُيوفِ البَواتِرِ
3. But Ja'd's good son to serve his lord directs
His course, no chief obeyed but God alone,
٣. وَراحَ اِبنُ جَعدِ الخَيرِ نَحوَ أَميرِهِ
أَميرٍ بِتَقوى رَبِّهِ غَيرِ آمِرِ
4. Ja'd, where are gone thy lore, thy sober mood,
The lore and mood inherited from sires
٤. أَبا الجَعدِ أَينَ العِلمُ وَالحُلمُ وَالنُهى
وَميراثُ آباءٍ كِرامِ العَناصِرِ
5. Of honoured race? Bethink thee of the day
When death shall come, 'gainst which no force avails;
٥. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ المَوتَ لا شَكَّ نازِلٌ
وَلا بَعثَ إِلّا لِلأُلى في المَقابِرِ
6. When only shall the righteous rise again
From 'neath the sod and mould where dead men lie.
٦. حُفاةً عُراةً وَالثَوابُ لِرَبِّهِم
فَمِن بَينِ ذي رِبحٍ وَآخَرَ خاسِرِ
7. Barefoot, unclad, for judgment they shall rise,
And He shall separate these from those, for some
٧. فَإِنَّ الَّذي قَد نِلتَ يَفنى وَإِنَّما
حَياتُكَ في الدُنيا كَوَقعَةِ طائِرِ
8. Is Paradise, for others Hell's abyss.
What thou hast won will vanish, life on earth
٨. فَراجِع أَبا جَعدٍ وَلا تَكُ مُغضِياً
عَلى ظُلمَةٍ أَعشَت جَميعَ النَواظِرِ
9. Is but a bird's brief fluttering in mid air.
Return, repent, Ja'd! close not thine eyes
٩. وَتُب تَوبَةً تُهدي إِلَيكَ شَهادَةً
فَإِنَّكَ ذو ذَنبٍ وَلَستَ بِكافِرِ
10. Against the evil thy dark acts have wrought.
Turn yet in penitence, thy war shall win
١٠. وَسِر نَحوَنا تَلقَ الجِهادَ غَنيمَةً
تُفِدكَ اِبتِياعاً رابِحاً غَيرَ خاسِرِ
11. Salvation, not perdition, as thy meed.
That is the best of gains when merchantmen
١١. هِيَ الغايَةُ القُصوى الرَغيبُ ثَوابُها
إِذا نالَ في الدُنيا الغِنى كُلُّ تاجِرِ