
By my life! Though the Mazooni was a horseman,

لعمري لئن كان المزوني فارسا

1. By my life! Though the Mazooni was a horseman,
Yet the spear met the Mazooni as a horseman.

١. لَعَمري لَئِن كانَ المَزوني فارِساً
لَقَد لَقِيَ القَرمُ المَزوني فارِسا

2. I engaged him with sword and steed behind him,
So he anticipated me with a backhanded blow, perfidious.

٢. تَناوَلتُهُ بِالسَيفِ وَالخَيلُ دونَهُ
فَبادَرَني بِالجُرزِ ضَرباً مُخالِسا

3. I turned from him for fear of his cudgel returning,
And he turned as I had turned, fearing the daring one.

٣. فَوَلَّيتُ عَنهُ خَوفَ عَودَةِ جُرزِهِ
وَوَلّى كَما وَلَّيتُ يَخشى الدَهارِسا

4. We both, the people say, are horsemen of his tribe.
I was patient and did not detain, nor was he detained.

٤. كِلانا يَقولُ الناسُ فارِسُ جَمعِهِ
صَبِرتُ فَلَم أَحبِس وَلَم يَكُ حابِسا

5. So receive it from me, O son of Muhallab, a blow
With which I shattered your malignant adversary.

٥. فَدونَكُها يا اِبنَ المُهَلَّبِ ضَربَةً
جَدَعتُ بِها مِن شانِئيكَ المَعاطِسا

6. And I swear had I recognized you, not a mare
Would have survived you, or shone upon us the frowning one.

٦. وَأُقسِمُ لَو أَنّي عَرَفتُكَ ما نَجا
بِكَ المُهرُ أَو تَجلو عَلَينا العَوابِسا

7. So you learned when you met me that my severity
Is feared, so ask about me the insightful men.

٧. فَتَعلَمَ إِذ لاقَيتَني أَن شَدَّتي
تُخافُ فَسَل عَنّي الرِجالَ الأَكايِسا

8. They will say without doubt Al-Mughira struck a blow
By which you were left wearing a bandage in the morning.

٨. يَقولوا بِلا مِنهُ المَغيرَةُ ضَربَةً
فَأَصبَحتَ مِنها لِلغَضاضَةِ لابِسا

9. So I said, yes, when it is said who has presumed,
If he is audacious I do not avert my gaze downcast.

٩. فَقُلتُ بَلى ما مِن إِذا قيلَ مَن لَهُ
تَسَمَّ لَهُ لَم أَغضُضِ الطَرفَ ناكِسا

10. A gallant whose wont the length of time is the point of his lance,
If it be said, is there a horseman to charge forth?

١٠. فَتىً لا يَزالُ الدَهرَ سُنَّةُ رُمحِهِ
إِذا قيلَ هَل مِن فارِسٍ أَن يُداعِسا