
O Lord, I have warded off the talons of punishment

يا رب ظل عقاب قد وقيت بها

1. O Lord, I have warded off the talons of punishment
And sheltered my flock from the sun, while heroes bear the scorching heat,

١. يا رُبَّ ظِلِّ عُقابٍ قَد وَقيتُ بِها
مُهري مِنَ الشَمسِ وَالأَبطالُ تَجتَلِدُ

2. And many a day I have tended the weak ones of the herd
To rest my horses, aiming for the valley springs.

٢. وَرُبَّ يَومٍ حِمىً أَرعيتُ عِقوَتِهِ
خَيلي اِقتِصاراً وَأَطرافُ القَنا قِصَدُ

3. On days of revelry for the heedless I joined in the frenzy,
Or stirred up its burning zeal, displaying my stand,

٣. وَيَومِ لَهوٍ لِأَهلِ الخَفضِ ظَلَّ بِهِ
لَهوي اِصطِلاءَ الوَغى أَو نارِهِ تَقِدُ

4. While war bared its face, and the sea of death surged,
Many a caravan have I ambushed, boiling its cauldrons,

٤. مُشهِراً مَوقِفي وَالحَربُ كاشِفَةٌ
عَنها القِناعَ وَبَحرُ المَوتِ يَطَّرِدُ

5. Spoiling them with a sudden raid's vandalizing,
Roaming valleys of fears, secure as a lion led by a lion.

٥. وَرُبَّ هاجِرَةٍ تَغلي مَراجِلُها
مَخَرتُها بِمَطايا غارَةٍ تَخِدُ

6. If I die with my nose in the dust, I shall not die crouching
In the face of vituperation, like a spineless coward.

٦. تَجتابُ أَودِيَةَ الأَفزاعِ آمِنَةً
كَأَنَّها أُسُدٌ تَقتادُها أُسُدُ

7. Nor shall I say, when served by death its death-cup,
Why have I not turned away the cup of death, with death ever present.

٧. فَإِن أَمُت حَتفَ أَنفي لا أَمُت كَمَداً
عَلى الطِعانِ وَقُصرُ العاجِزِ الكَمِدُ