
I say to myself, when her siege was prolonged

أقول لنفسي حين طال حصارها

1. I say to myself, when her siege was prolonged
And her ally deserted her for events

١. أَقولُ لِنَفسي حينَ طالَ حِصارُها
وَفارَقَها لِلحادِثاتِ نَصيرُها

2. Death is good for me, for in good there is rest
So there comes upon her, her appointed time, that harms her

٢. لَكِ الخَيرُ موتي إِنَّ في الخَيرِ راحَةً
فَيَأتي عَلَيها حَينُها ما يُضيرُها

3. Had she hoped for life, I would have excused her
But she challenges death with her young camel

٣. فَلَو أَنَّها تَرجو الحَياةَ عَذَرتُها
وَلكِنَّها لِلمَوتِ يُحدى بَعيرُها

4. I was faithful to the betrayed, giving him his measure
And it grieves us, while the horses bend their necks

٤. وَقَد كُنتُ أوفي لِلمُهَلَّبِ صاعَهُ
وَيَشجى بِنا وَالخَيلُ تُثنى نُحورَها

5. When horses meet horses, I meet them
With their peers, a lion whose roar humbles

٥. إِذا ما أَتَت خَيلٌ لِخَيلٍ لَقيتُها
بِأَقرانِها أُسداً تَدانى زَئيرُها

6. The Indian seeks only their heads
The unskilled meets only their chests

٦. وَلا يَبتَغي الهِندِيُّ إِلّا رُؤوسَها
وَلا يَلتَقي الخَطِيَّ إِلّا صُدورَها

7. So the command of the Lord's servant and his companion dispersed
He turned the millstone of death upon it and around it

٧. فَفَرَّقَ أَمري عَبدُ رَبٍّ وصَحبُهُ
أَدارَ رَحى مَوتٍ عَلَيهِ مُديرُها

8. The betrayed thus saw in us an opportunity
There, those are my enemies, long has been their joy

٨. فَقُدماً رَأى مِنّا المُهَلَّبُ فُرصَةً
فَها تِلكَ أَعدائي طَويلٌ سُرورُها

9. And greater than this upon me a disaster
When the soul recalls it, its sigh is long

٩. وَأَعظَمُ مِن هذا عَلَيَّ مُصيبَةً
إِذا ذَكَرَتها النَفسُ طالَ زَفيرُها

10. The separation of men who were not humiliated
And the killing of men whose conscience was fervent over it

١٠. فِراقُ رِجالٍ لَم يَكونوا أَذِلَّةً
وَقَتلُ رِجالٍ جاشَ مِنها ضَميرُها

11. They met me with what was in their souls
Only their immorality kills the immoral

١١. لَقونِيَ بِالأَمرِ الَّذي في نُفوسِهِم
وَلا يَقتُلُ الفُجّارَ إِلّا فُجورُها

12. We spent a time, and the buyers were delighted
Pleasing thereby their supervisor and their emir

١٢. غَبَرنا زَماناً وَالشُراةُ بِغِبطَةٍ
يُسَرُّ بِها مَأمورُها وَأَميرُها