1. She darted with threads of light like the radiance of dawn,
And blossomed with the secrets of dew like the lip of a flower,
١. رَمَتْ بِخُيُوطِ النُّورِ كَهْرَبَةُ الْفَجْرِ
ونَمَّتْ بِأَسْرَارِ النَّدَى شَفَةُ الزَّهْرِ
2. And strode with the breaths of gazelles a breeze
scented with the trailing hem of night.
٢. وَسَارَتْ بِأَنْفَاسِ الخَمَائِلِ نَسْمَةٌ
بَلِيْلَةُ مَهْوَى الذَّيْلِ عَاطِرَةُ النَّشْرِ
3. So arise, let us seize the choice hours of morn,
For it is a morrow of spring whose flower is smiling with lips.
٣. فَقُمْ نَغْتَنِمْ صَفْوَ الْبُكُورِ فَإِنَّهَا
غَدَاةُ رَبِيعٍ زَهْرُهَا بَاسِمُ الثَّغْرِ
4. You see between the earth's plain and the sky a relation
resembling what is between clouds and rain.
٤. تَرَى بَيْنَ سَطْحِ الأَرْضِ وَالْجَوِّ نِسْبَةً
تُشَاكِلُ مَا بَيْنَ السَّحَائِبِ وَالْغُدْرِ
5. So in the sky are two rains flowing
and in the earth floods racing between valleys.
٥. فَفِي الْجَوِّ هَتَّانٌ يَسِيلُ وَفِي الثَّرَى
سُيُولٌ تَرَامَى بَيْنَ أَوْدِيَةٍ غُزْرِ
6. Two white clouds this travels on its horizon,
and this one travels in the sky's meadow.
٦. غَمَامَانِ فَيَّاضَانِ هَذَا بِأُفْقِهِ
يَسيرُ وَهَذا فِي طِبَاقِ الثَّرَى يَسْري
7. And the branches wavered between the hand of the morning breeze
As a bird fluttered with green wings.
٧. وَقَدْ مَاجَتِ الأَغْصَانُ بَيْنَ يَدِ الصَّبا
كَمَا رَفْرَفَتْ طَيْرٌ بِأَجْنِحَةٍ خُضْرِ
8. As if the dew above the anemone were tears
roaming on a cheek or campion above ashes.
٨. كَأَنَّ النَّدَى فَوْقَ الشَّقيقِ مَدَامِعٌ
تَجُولُ بِخَدٍّ أَوْ جُمَانٌ عَلَى تِبْرِ
9. When a golden glint from the sun flirts with it,
it rises like sparks on embers.
٩. إِذَا غَازَلَتْهَا لَمْعَةٌ ذَهَبِيَّةٌ
مِنَ الشَّمْسِ رَفَّتْ كالشَّرَارِ عَلَى الْجَمْرِ
10. So in every pasture there is an instant of bedazzlement,
and on every course a step of increasing fortune.
١٠. فَفِي كُلِّ مَرْعَى لَحْظَةٍ وَشْيُ دِيمَةٍ
وَفِي كُلِّ مَرْمَى خَطْوَةٍ أَجْرَعٌ مُثْرِي
11. Meadows which the flower has made overflowing until they appear
like a sky dotting the eye with floral stars.
١١. مُرُوجٌ جَلاهَا الزَّهْرُ حَتَّى كَأَنَّها
سَمَاءٌ تَرُوقُ الْعَيْنَ بِالأَنْجُمِ الزُّهْرِ
12. As if the cups of light and dawdling were frozen smiles
of shells smiling with pearls.
١٢. كَأَنَّ صِحَافَ النُّورِ والطَّلُّ جَامِدٌ
مَبَاسِمُ أَصْدَافٍ تَبَسَّمْنَ عَنْ دُرِّ
13. While the dawn in its mother's caress calls out to me
with the cooing of doves mating in the nest.
١٣. وَقَدْ شَاقَنِي وَالصُّبْحُ فِي خِدْرِ أُمِّهِ
حَنِينُ حَمَامَاتٍ تَجَاوَبْنَ فِي وَكْرِ
14. They passionately responded and made hearts joyous
as though they learnt the songs of maidens from my poetry.
١٤. هَتَفْنَ فَأَطْرَبْنَ القُلُوبَ كَأَنَّمَا
تَعَلَّمْنَ أَلْحَانَ الصَّبَابَةِ مِنْ شِعْرِي
15. And the loveliest that did not know
continues to dispel the dreams of slumber without knowing.
١٥. وَقَامَ عَلَى الْجُدْرَانِ أَعْرَفُ لَمْ يَزَلْ
يُبَدِّدُ أَحْلامَ النِّيَامِ وَلا يَدْرِي
16. It imagined in a shrewd promenade from which hung lanterns,
abundant with curtains.
١٦. تَخَايَلَ فِي مَوْشِيَّةٍ عَبْقَرِيَّةٍ
مُهَدَّلَةِ الأَرْدَانِ سَابِغَةِ الأَزْرِ
17. It has a bump which appears on it as though it were
a crowned sovereign watching with disdain.
١٧. لَهُ كِبْرَةٌ تَبْدُو عَلَيْهِ كَأَنَّهُ
مَلِيكٌ عَلَيْهِ التَّاجُ يَنْظُرُ عَنْ شَزْرِ
18. So hurry to answer the call of the morning with the dew
to pluck with the hands of playfulness the first fruits of life.
١٨. فَسَارِعْ إِلى دَاعِي الصَّبُوحِ مَعَ النَّدَى
لِتَجْنِي بِأَيْدِي اللَّهْوِ بَاكُورَةَ الْعُمْرِ
19. For the north wind has blown and awakened
the eyes of narcissi while still at the hour of dawn.
١٩. فَقَدْ نَسَمَتْ رِيحُ الشَّمالِ فَنَبَّهَتْ
عُيُونَ الْقَمَارِي وَهْيَ فِي سِنَةِ الْفَجْرِ
20. And the caller called to prayer with charm
reviving the land after prostration to standing.
٢٠. وَنَادَى الْمُنَادِي لِلصَّلاةِ بِسُحْرَةٍ
فَأحْيَا الْوَرَى مِنْ بَعْدِ طَيٍّ إِلَى نَشْرِ
21. So take the initiative to the tryst of prayers and come with me
to Al-Qasr between the island and the Nile.
٢١. فَبَادِرْ لِمِيقَاتِ الصَّلاةِ وَمِلْ بِنَا
إِلى الْقَصْفِ مَا بَيْنَ الْجَزِيرَةِ والنَّهْرِ
22. When we fulfil the obligation of religion in full,
no blame shall remain for frolic.
٢٢. إِذَا مَا قَضَيْنَا وَاجِبَ الدِّينِ حَقَّهُ
فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْنَا فِي الْخَلاعَةِ مِنْ وِزْرِ
23. Lo many days were the date of youthfulness
which passed without a vestige in thoughts or memories.
٢٣. أَلا رُبَّ يَوْمٍ كَانَ تَارِيخَ صَبْوَةٍ
مَضَى غَيْرَ إِثْرٍ فِي الْمَخِيلَةِ أَوْ ذِكْرِ
24. In which I disobeyed the rule of my forbearance,
leading me to frivolity, the devil of rakishness and drunkenness,
٢٤. عَصَيْتُ بِهِ سُلْطَانَ حِلْمِي وَقَادَني
إِلى اللَّهْوِ شَيْطَانُ الْخَلاعَةِ وَالسُّكْرِ
25. Next to a garden the branches of which list to the rhythm
of the singing, shrugging their mantles in dance.
٢٥. لَدَى رَوْضَةٍ رَيَّا الْغُصُونِ تَرَنَّحَتْ
مَعَاطِفُهَا رَقْصاً عَلَى نَغْمَةِ الْقُمْرِي
26. Statues revolve around us with goblets between them;
only they pour between us.
٢٦. تَدُورُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْمُدَامَةِ بَيْنَها
تَمَاثِيلُ إِلَّا أَنَّها بَيْنَنَا تَجْرِي
27. You can see each beauty swaying from drunkenness and youth,
slender, erect breasted.
٢٧. تَرَى كُلَّ مَيْلاءِ الْخِمَارِ مِنَ الصِّبَا
هَضِيمَةِ مَجْرَى الْبَنْدِ نَاهِدَةِ الصَّدْرِ
28. If she goes out to relieve herself you remain confounded
feeling like a hunter startled from panic.
٢٨. إِذَا انْفَتَلَتْ فِي حَاجَةٍ خِلْتَ جُؤْذُرَاً
أَحَسَّ بِصَيَّادٍ فَأَتْلَعَ مِنْ ذُعْرِ
29. The drunkenness of rakishness and youth has twisted her posture
so she leans to one side and stands firm on the other.
٢٩. لَوَى قَدَّهَا سُكْرُ الْخَلاعَةِ وَالصِّبَا
فَمَالَتْ بِشَطْرٍ واسْتَقَامَتْ عَلَى شَطْرِ
30. And the whispers of her charms have taught her divination so,
if she speaks, she says something of magic.
٣٠. وَعَلَّمَهَا وَحْيُ الدَّلالِ كَهَانَةً
فَإِنْ نَطَقَتْ جَاءَتْ بِشَيءٍ مِنَ السِّحْرِ
31. She felt the saltiness that was in herself
so she flirted with us while her saltiness fires one to sin.
٣١. أَحَسَّتْ بِمَا فِي نَفْسِهَا مِنْ مَلاحَةٍ
فَتَاهَتْ عَلَيْنَا وَالْمَلاحَةُ قَدْ تُغْرِي
32. She was struck by my passion for her so grew arrogant toward me
coquettishly while dismissing commands from me.
٣٢. وَأَعْجَبَهَا وَجْدِي بِهَا فَتَكَبَّرَتْ
عَلَيَّ دَلالاً وَهْيَ تَصْدُرُ عَنْ أَمْرِي
33. A girl in whose glances roams magic, walks the realm of perdition
in her disheveled and torn gown.
٣٣. فَتَاةٌ يَجُولُ السِّحْرُ فِي لَحَظَاتِهَا
مَجَالَ الْمَنَايَا فِي الْمُهَنَّدَةِ الْبُتْرِ
34. When she looks or turns to or sways her tresses,
woe to the infatuation of the sand, branch and moon.
٣٤. إِذَا نَظَرَتْ أَوْ أَقْبَلَتْ أَوْ تَهَلَّلَتْ
فَوَيْلُ مَهَاةِ الرَّمْلِ والْغُصْنِ وَالْبَدْرِ
35. They continued to tempt our minds until we fell
helpless into their hands and bosoms.
٣٥. فَمَا زِلْنَ يُغْرِينَ الطلا بِعُقُولِنَا
إِلَى أَنْ سَقَطْنَا لِلْيَدَيْنِ ولِلنَّحْرِ
36. So from one disoriented with wine and another mindless one
whose body holds no soul other than drink,
٣٦. فَمِنْ وَاقِعٍ يَهْذِي وَآخَرَ ذاهِلٍ
لَهُ جَسَدٌ مَا فِيهِ رُوحٌ سِوَى الْخَمْرِ
37. to one laid unconscious who thinks stars down upon him
and cups his palms to the rising of Venus.
٣٧. صَرِيعٌ يَظُنُّ الشُّهْبَ مِنْهُ قَرِيبَةً
فَيَسْدُو بِكَفَّيهِ إِلَى مَطْلَعِ النَّسْرِ
38. When you call upon a man, with your glance turn him
to you while confusion overwhelms him from making noise.
٣٨. إِذَا مَا دَعَوْتَ الْمَرءَ دَارَ بِلَحْظِهِ
إِلَيْكَ وَغَشَّاهُ الذُّهُولُ عَنِ الْجَهْرِ
39. Distant from the caller though present
as if some reverence in him makes him dignified.
٣٩. بَعِيدٌ عَنِ الدَّاعِي وَإِنْ كَانَ حَاضِرَاً
كَأَنَّ بِهِ بَعْضَ الْهَنَاتِ مِنَ الْوَقْرِ
40. The grey hair took control of them and altered
the features of what the adamant brings with frivolity.
٤٠. تَحَكَّمَتِ الصَّهْبَاءُ فيهِمْ فَغَيَّرَتْ
شَمَائِلَ مَا يَأْتِي بِهِ الْجِدُّ بِالْهَذْرِ
41. So forgiveness and blessings of God be upon the wine-bred youth!
And may the paths of rain renew its time.
٤١. فَيَا سَامَحَ اللهُ الشَّبَابَ وَإِنْ جَنَى
عَلَيَّ وَحَيَّا عَهْدَهُ سَبَلُ الْقَطْرِ
42. I had my will and came of age
so now I am dreaded for my zeal and pride.
٤٢. مَلَكْتُ بِهِ أَمْرِي وَجَارَيْتُ صَبْوَتِي
وَأَصْبَحْتُ مَرْهُوبَ الْحَمِيَّةِ وَالْكِبْرِ
43. When they see me in the valley they shrink away
from talking and do not acknowledge me.
٤٣. إِذَا أَبْصَرُونِي فِي النَّدِيِّ تَحَاجَزُوا
عَنِ الْقَوْلِ وَاسْتَغْنَوا عَنِ الْعُرْفِ بِالنُّكْرِ
44. And say a lad corrupted by the intoxication of youth,
and no blame lies on boys for fun.
٤٤. وَقَالُوا فَتَىً مَالَتْ بِهِ نَشْوَةُ الصِّبَا
وَلَيْسَ عَلَى الْفِتْيَانِ في اللَّهْوِ مِنْ حَجْرِ
45. They fear that my zeal may flare up
so want to flatter me with deception and fraud.
٤٥. يَخَافُونَ مِنِّي أَنْ تَثُورَ حَمِيَّتِي
فَيَبْغُونَ عَطْفِي بِالْخَدِيعَةِ والْمَكْرِ
46. Would that those nights have passed
and would return and that life would come back to what it was.
٤٦. أَلا لَيْتَ هَاتِيكَ اللَّيَالِي وَقَدْ مَضَتْ
تَعُودُ وَذَاكَ الْعَيْشُ يَأْتِي عَلَى قَدْرِ
47. Seasons of joy already finished while still
its vestiges stir the heart in remembrance.
٤٧. مَواسِمُ لَذَّاتٍ تَقَضَّتْ وَلَمْ يَزَلْ
لَهَا أَثَرٌ يَطْوي الْفُؤَادَ عَلَى أُثْرِ
48. If her memory of the soul strikes her
she envisions for it a figure strutting in the plaza of thought.
٤٨. إِذَا اعْتَوَرَتْهَا ذُكْرَةُ النَّفْسِ أَبْصَرَتْ
لَهَا صُورَةٌ تَخْتَالُ فِي صَفْحَةِ الْفِكْرِ
49. For that was an age which has passed on its course
leaving me shepherding the stars in bereavement.
٤٩. فَذَلِكَ عَصْرٌ قَدْ مَضَى لِسَبِيلِهِ
وَخَلَّفَني أَرْعَى الْكَواكِبَ في عَصْرِ
50. By your life no joy in time tastes sweeter
than frolicking in the shadow of youth and affluence.
٥٠. لَعَمْرُكَ مَا في الدَّهْرِ أَطْيَبُ لَذَّةً
مِنَ اللَّهْوِ فِي ظِلِّ الشِّبِيبَةِ والْيُسْرِ