1. I adorned the neck of sublime thoughts with the necklace of poetry,
And spoke seriously what does not suffice without jest.
١. قَلَّدْتُ جِيدَ الْمَعَالِي حِلْيَةَ الْغَزَلِ
وَقُلْتُ فِي الْجِدِّ مَا أَغْنَى عَنِ الْهَزَلِ
2. My obstinate heart refuses to incline towards folly,
The magic of lovely eyes cannot divert it from the path of glory.
٢. يَأْبَى لِيَ الْغَيَّ قَلْبٌ لا يَمِيلُ بِهِ
عَنْ شَرْعَةِ الْمَجْدِ سِحْرُ الأَعْيُنِ النُجُلِ
3. I wander in the dark nights with a cheerful face,
Not bothered by victory's first results or by darkness in anguish.
٣. أَهِيمُ بِالْبِيضِ فِي الأَغْمَادِ بَاسِمَةً
عَنْ غُرَّةِ النَّصْرِ لا بِالْبِيضِ فِي الْكِلَلِ
4. The pleasures of wakefulness in the morning do not distract me
From seeking glory - they do not suffice against craving.
٤. لَمْ تُلْهِنِي عَنْ طِلابِ الْمَجْدِ غَانِيَةٌ
فِي لَذَّةِ الصَّحْوِ مَا يُغْنِي عَنِ الثَّمَلِ
5. How different between one who woos for a reward
And one who weeps for ruins in solitude!
٥. كَمْ بَيْنَ مُنْتَدِبٍ يَدْعُو لِمَكْرُمَةٍ
وَبَيْنَ مُعْتَكِفٍ يَبْكِي عَلَى طَلَلِ
6. If not for differences among people, the merit
Of distinction between the adorned and the bare would not appear.
٦. لَوَلا التَّفَاوُتُ بَيْنَ الْخَلْقِ مَا ظَهَرَتْ
مَزِيَّةُ الْفَرْقِ بَيْنَ الْحَلْيِ وَالْعَطَلِ
7. So rise up to the lofty heights of glory, a climber,
For the falcon came only to the highest peaks.
٧. فَانْهَضْ إِلَى صَهَوَاتِ الْمَجْدِ مُعْتَلِياً
فَالْبَازُ لَمْ يَأْوِ إِلَّا عَالِيَ الْقُلَلِ
8. And leave below what is lowly in the sea's depth -
It does not avail against feebleness in turmoil.
٨. وَدَعْ مِنَ الأَمْرِ أَدْنَاهُ لأَبْعَدِهِ
فِي لُجَّةِ الْبَحْرِ مَا يُغْنِي عَنِ الْوَشَلِ
9. The fierce attacker may attain his need
While the helpless sits in despair, crippled.
٩. قَدْ يَظْفَرُ الْفَاتِكُ الأَلْوَى بِحَاجَتِهِ
وَيَقْعُدُ الْعَجْزُ بِالْهَيَّابَةِ الْوَكَلِ
10. And beware, take precautions, for many a youth
Was thrown by safety between despair and horror.
١٠. وَكُنْ عَلَى حَذَرٍ تَسْلَمْ فَرُبَّ فَتىً
أَلْقَى بِهِ الأَمْنُ بَيْنَ الْيَأْسِ وَالْوَجَلِ
11. And do not be deceived by affability from a smooth companion,
For kohl is similar in both eyes to kohl.
١١. وَلا يَغُرَّنْكَ بِشْرٌ مِنْ أَخِي مَلَقٍ
فَرَوْنَقُ الآلِ لا يَشْفِي مِنَ الْغَلَلِ
12. Beware of gossip and know that its speaker
Will make you suffer its harm, a fire without flames.
١٢. لَوْ يَعْلَمُ الْمَرْءُ مَا فِي النَّاسِ مِنْ دَخَنٍ
لَبَاتَ مِنْ وُدِّ ذِي الْقُرْبَى عَلَى دَخَلِ
13. How many slanders have cracked a kingdom's pillars
And tore apart the bond of love not yet disjoined!
١٣. فَلا تَثِقْ بِوَدَادٍ قَبْلَ مَعْرِفَةٍ
فَالْكُحْلُ أَشْبَهُ فِي الْعَيْنَيْنِ بِالْكَحَلِ
14. So accept my advice and do not let any deviation
Turn you away from me - not all sons of Tha'lab are ideal.
١٤. وَاخْشَ النَّمِيمَةَ وَاعْلَمْ أَنَّ قَائِلَهَا
يُصْلِيكَ مِنْ حَرِّهَا نَاراً بِلا شُعَلِ
15. I am a man whom my forbearance has clothed and my manners educated,
The abhorrence of the new from the past and future.
١٥. كَمْ فِرْيَةٍ صَدَعَتْ أَرْكَانَ مَمْلَكَةٍ
وَمَزَّقَتْ شَمْلَ وُدٍّ غَيْرِ مُنْفَصِلِ
16. I have never uncovered the mask of forbearance from folly
Or wiped the brow of honor of shame.
١٦. فَاقْبَلْ وَصَاتِي وَلا تَصْرِفْكَ لاغِيَةٌ
عَنِّي فَمَا كُلُّ رَامٍ مِنْ بَنِي ثُعَلِ
17. I have milked half of this lifetime gaining experience
And tasted the honey and bitterness in it.
١٧. إِنِّي امْرُؤٌ كَفَّنِي حِلْمِي وَأَدَّبَنِي
كَرُّ الْجَدِيدَيْنِ مِنْ مَاضٍ وَمُقْتَبَلِ
18. I have not found anything in days that remains
More delicious to the soul than freedom of action.
١٨. فَمَا سَرَيْتُ قِنَاعَ الْحِلْمِ عَنْ سَفَهٍ
وَلا مَسَحْتُ جَبِينَ الْعِزِّ مِنْ خَجَلِ
19. But we are targets for evil in a time
When reasonable people obey the crooked.
١٩. حَلَبْتُ أَشْطُرَ هَذَا الدَّهْرِ تَجْرِبَةً
وَذُقْتُ مَا فِيهِ مِنْ صَابٍ وَمِنْ عَسَلِ
20. A group of evil men has risen in it
More harmful to the soul than misery upon a bereaved woman.
٢٠. فَمَا وَجَدْتُ عَلَى الأَيَّامِ بَاقِيَةً
أَشْهَى إِلَى النَّفْسِ مِنْ حُرِّيَّةِ الْعَمَلِ
21. Every morning, hands nearly push them away in hatred
And the office spits them out in boredom.
٢١. لَكِنَّنَا غَرَضٌ لِلشَّرِّ فِي زَمَنٍ
أَهْلُ الْعُقُولِ بِهِ فِي طَاعَةِ الْخَمَلِ
22. Through them Egypt was humiliated after honor
And the foundations of the kingdom were shaken until gaps appeared.
٢٢. قَامَتْ بِهِ مِنْ رِجَالِ السُّوءِ طَائِفَةٌ
أَدْهَى عَلَى الْنَّفْسِ مِنْ بِؤْسٍ عَلَى ثَكَلِ
23. The state of Fustat has become submissive
After pride, though it was the peak of states.
٢٣. مِنْ كُلِّ وَغْدٍ يَكَادُ الدَّسْتُ يَدْفَعُهُ
بُغْضاً وَيَلْفِظُهُ الدِّيوانُ مِنْ مَلَلِ
24. They frown with rage when they see me approaching
While their livers boil with hatred and malice.
٢٤. ذَلَّتْ بِهِمْ مِصْرُ بَعْدَ الْعِزِّ وَاضْطَرَبَتْ
قَوَاعِدُ الْمُلْكِ حَتَّى ظَلَّ فِي خَلَلِ
25. If my merit has displeased them, no wonder -
The sun, though it gives light, harms the diseased eye.
٢٥. وَأَصْبَحَتْ دَوْلَةُ الْفُسْطَاطِ خَاضِعَةً
بَعْدَ الإِبَاءِ وَكَانَتْ زَهْرَةَ الدُّوَلِ
26. I have kept my soul from what they defile themselves with,
And the garden's palm tree refuses the traits of a jerboa.
٢٦. قَوْمٌ إِذَا أَبْصَرُونِي مُقْبِلاً وَجَمُوا
غَيْظاً وَأَكْبَادُهُمْ تَنْقَدُّ مِنْ دَغَلِ
27. Evil kindred and evil is Egypt among lands
That have become a home for the dishonest and fraudulent.
٢٧. فَإِنْ يَكُنْ سَاءَهُمْ فَضْلِي فَلا عَجَبٌ
فَالشَّمْسُ وَهيَ ضِيَاءٌ آفَةُ الْمُقَلِ
28. A land where injustice has taken root and from which
The lightning bolts of betrayal have flashed between plains and mountains.
٢٨. نَزَّهْتُ نَفْسِيَ عَمَّا يَدْنَسُونَ بِهِ
وَنَخْلَةُ الرَّوْضِ تَأْبَى شِيمَةَ الْجُعَلِ
29. And people have woken up in deep darkness
Where no man walks except stumbling.
٢٩. بِئْسَ الْعَشِيرُ وَبِئْسَتْ مِصْرُ مِنْ بَلَدٍ
أَضْحَتْ مُنَاخاً لأَهْلِ الزُّورِ وَالْخَطَلِ
30. I do not know what humiliation has befallen heroes
After glory, and what flaws swords have,
٣٠. أَرْضٌ تَأَثَّلَ فِيهَا الظُّلْمُ وَانْقَذَفَتْ
صَوَاعِقُ الْغَدْرِ بَيْنَ السَّهْلِ وَالْجَبَلِ
31. Whether the trees of glory have withered
Or the treachery of cowardice, so that no man remains,
٣١. وَأَصْبَحَ النَّاسُ فِي عَمْيَاءَ مُظْلِمَةٍ
لَمْ يَخْطُ فِيهَا امْرُؤٌ إِلَّا عَلَى زَلَلِ
32. Who will defend them even if dishonor reaches them,
Out of cowardice and frailty.
٣٢. لَمْ أَدْرِ مَا حَلَّ بِالأَبْطَالِ مِنْ خَوَرٍ
بَعْدَ الْمِرَاسِ وَبِالأَسْيَافِ مِنْ فَلَلِ
33. They fear death, so they scheme, but do not know
That death does not retreat through tricks.
٣٣. أَصَوَّحَتْ شَجَرَاتُ الْمَجْدِ أَمْ نَضَبَتْ
غُدْرُ الْحَمِيَّةِ حَتَّى لَيْسَ مِنْ رَجُلِ
34. So why does man accuse his Creator
When each soul has a predetermined lifespan?
٣٤. لا يَدْفَعُونَ يَداً عَنْهُمْ وَلَوْ بَلَغَتْ
مَسَّ الْعَفَافَةِ مِنْ جُبْنٍ وَمِنْ خَزَلِ
35. Alas! The youth will not find safety to enjoy
Unless he plunges into a sea of horrors.
٣٥. خَافُوا الْمَنِيَّةَ فَاحْتَالُوا وَمَا عَلِمُوا
أَنَّ الْمَنِيَّةَ لا تَرْتَدُّ بِالْحِيَلِ
36. Why do you not heal the injustice in yourselves
And your diseases do not disappear out of laziness?
٣٦. فَفِيمَ يَتَّهِمُ الإِنْسَانُ خَالِقَهُ
وَكُلُّ نَفْسٍ لَهَا قَيْدٌ مِنَ الأَجَلِ
37. That is Egypt in which your ancestors' arms
Reaped the fruits of ascent through blood and hills.
٣٧. هَيْهَاتَ يَلْقَى الْفَتَى أَمْناً يَلَذُّ بِهِ
مَا لَمْ يَخُضْ نَحْوَهُ بَحْراً مِنَ الْوَهَلِ
38. They attacked it with a raid whose terror threw
Safety between the wolf and the lamb.
٣٨. فَمَا لَكُمْ لا تَعَافُ الضَّيْمَ أَنْفُسُكُمْ
وَلا تَزُولُ غَوَاشِيكُمُ مِنَ الْكَسَلِ
39. Until when it gained a formidable fortress
That drove away the invader's hand in boredom,
٣٩. وَتِلْكَ مِصْرُ الَّتِي أَفْنَى الْجِلادُ بِهَا
لَفِيفَ أَسْلافِكُمْ فِي الأَعْصُرِ الأُوَلِ
40. Time betrayed its knights, so it became
Easy to access after being inaccessible.
٤٠. قَوْمٌ أَقَرُّوا عِمَادَ الْحَقِّ وَامْتَلَكُوا
أَزِمَّةَ الْخَلْقِ مِنْ حَافٍ وَمُنْتَعِلِ
41. What disgrace you have brought through indifference
Upon the pride the sword erected upon Sagittarius!
٤١. جَنَوْا ثِمَارَ الْعُلا بِالْبِيضِ وَاقْتَطَفُوا
مِنْ بَيْنِ شَوْكِ الْعَوَالِي زَهْرَةَ الأَمَلِ
42. If the youth has no reason to live by,
Then he is only counted among the brainless.
٤٢. فَأَصْبَحَتْ مِصْرُ تَزْهُو بَعْدَ كُدْرَتِهَا
فِي يَانِعٍ مِنْ أَسَاكِيبِ النَّدَى خَضِلِ
43. So take the initiative before it is too late
And seize the prize of excellence - the world passes quickly.
٤٣. لَمْ تَنْبُتِ الأَرْضُ إِلَّا بَعْدَمَا اخْتَمَرَتْ
أَقْطَارُهَا بِدَمِ الأَعْنَاقِ وَالْقُلَلِ
44. And entrust your affair to a courageous man of trust
Who will be a shield for you in formidable events.
٤٤. شَنُّوا بِهَا غَارَةً أَلْقَتْ بِرَوْعَتِهَا
أَمْناً يُؤَلِّفُ بَيْنَ الذِّئْبِ وَالْحَمَلِ
45. Clear-sighted in strategy, gallant when views conflict
And the arrows of debate fly around.
٤٥. حَتَّى إِذَا أَصْبَحَتْ فِي مَعْقِلٍ أَشِبٍ
يَرُدُّ عَنْهَا يَدَ الْعَادِي مِنَ الْمِلَلِ
46. When truth speaks, he obeys, and when a victor calls him,
He responds, and if resolved, he does not return fruitless.
٤٦. أَخْنَى الزَّمَانُ عَلَى فُرْسَانِها فَغَدَتْ
مِنْ بَعْدِ مَنْعَتِهَا مَطْرُوقَةَ السُّبُلِ
47. He clarifies ambiguities in brief words when speech is difficult
And the arguments of debate run high.
٤٧. فَأَيَّ عَارٍ جَلَبْتُمْ بِالْخُمُولِ عَلَى
مَا شَادَهُ السَّيْفُ مِنْ فَخْرٍ عَلَى زُحَلِ
48. Do not persist when the right view shines upon you,
For persistence leads to failure.
٤٨. إِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ لِلْفَتَى عَقْلٌ يَعِيشُ بِهِ
فَإِنَّمَا هُوَ مَعْدُودٌ مِنَ الْهَمَلِ
49. One may attain through planning what the brave failed in
And did not dare to attempt.
٤٩. فَبَادِرُوا الأَمْرَ قَبْلَ الْفَوْتِ وَانْتَزِعُوا
شِكَالَةَ الرَّيْثِ فَالدُّنْيَا مَعَ الْعَجَلِ
50. Alas! Victory lies not in loosing tongues but
In the power of thought the spear of heroes advances.
٥٠. وَقَلِّدُوا أَمْرَكُمْ شَهْماً أَخَا ثِقَةٍ
يَكُونُ رِدْءاً لَكُمْ فِي الْحَادِثِ الْجَلَلِ
51. And seek rights that have become prey
To every usurper, an arrow and a target.
٥١. مَاضِي الْبَصِيرَةِ غَلَّابٌ إِذَا اشْتَبَهَتْ
مَسَالِكُ الرَّأْيِ صَادَ الْبَازَ بِالْحَجَلِ
52. And do not fear reprisal in your place of origin -
The whale in the sea does not fear getting wet.
٥٢. إِنْ قَالَ بَرَّ وَإِنْ نَادَاهُ مُنْتَصِرٌ
لَبَّى وَإِنْ هَمَّ لَمْ يَرْجِعْ بِلا نَفَلِ
53. Life in the shadow of humiliation is a defect,
And death in honor is the pride of noble lords.
٥٣. يَجْلُو الْبَدِيهَةَ بِاللَّفْظِ الْوَجِيزِ إِذَا
عَزَّ الْخِطَابُ وَطَاشَتْ أَسْهُمُ الْجَدَلِ
54. Do not abandon seriousness lest certainty becomes clear,
For seriousness is the key to the difficult goal.
٥٤. وَلا تَلجُّوا إِذَا مَا الرَّأْيُ لاحَ لَكُمْ
إِنَّ اللَّجَاجَةَ مَدْعَاةٌ إِلَى الْفَشَلِ
55. One moment a struggle, another clever maneuvering -
The training of a skilful one between violence and gentleness,
٥٥. قَدْ يُدْرِكُ الْمَرْءُ بِالتَّدْبِيرِ مَا عَجَزَتْ
عَنْهُ الْكُمَاةُ وَلَمْ يَحْمِلْ عَلَى بَطَلِ
56. Until the sky of safety returns smiling
And justice promenades in a meadow of adornments.
٥٦. هَيْهَاتَ مَا النَّصْرُ فِي حَدِّ الأَسِنَّةِ بَلْ
بِقُوَّةِ الرَّأْيِ تَمْضِي شَوْكَةُ الأَسَلِ
57. This is the advice of one who does not seek a substitute for you,
And is there an alternative for one's people after all?
٥٧. وَطَالِبُوا بِحُقُوقٍ أَصْبَحَتْ غَرَضاً
لِكُلِّ مُنْتَزِعٍ سَهْماً وَمُخْتَتِلِ
58. I have lost sleep composing verses for you
That have no precedent in old poetry.
٥٨. وَلا تَخَافُوا نَكَالاً فِيهِ مَنْشَؤُكُمْ
فَالْحُوتُ فِي الْيَمِّ لا يَخْشَى مِنَ الْبَلَلِ
59. Like lightning in haste, thunder in zeal,
Rain in crescent moon, and floods in torrents.
٥٩. عَيْشُ الْفَتَى فِي فَنَاءِ الذُّلِّ مَنْقَصَةٌ
وَالْمَوْتُ فِي الْعِزِّ فَخْرُ السَّادَةِ النَّبَلِ
60. Magical, they captivate the ears in enchantment
And stun minds with their throbbing.
٦٠. لا تَتْرُكُوا الْجِدَّ أَوْ يَبْدُو الْيَقِينُ لَكُمْ
فَالْجِدُّ مِفْتَاحُ بَابِ الْمَطْلَبِ الْعَضِلِ
61. A rhyme conceived by a thought to which
Humans and genies surrendered in miracles.
٦١. طَوْراً عِرَاكاً وَأَحْيَاناً مُيَاسَرَةً
رِيَاضَةُ الْمُهْرِ بَيْنَ الْعُنْفِ وَالْمَهَلِ
62. Its verses gleam in well-arranged halves
Like the Mashrafiyya adorned with trinkets.
٦٢. حَتَّى تَعُودَ سَمَاءُ الأَمْنِ ضَاحِيَةً
وَيَرْفُلَ الْعَدْلُ فِي ضَافٍ مِنَ الْحُلَلِ
63. If the genius of poetry has declined, its style
Revives it with eloquent diction and unplagiarized meaning.
٦٣. هَذِي نَصِيحَةُ مَنْ لا يَبْتَغِي بَدَلاً
بِكُمْ وَهَلْ بَعْدَ قَوْمِ الْمَرْءِ مِنْ بَدَلِ
64. Souls perish while it remains fresh
Through ages, with the permanence of Sirius.
٦٤. أَسْهَرْتُ جَفْنِي لَكُمْ فِي نَظْمِ قَافِيَةٍ
مَا إِنْ لَهَا فِي قَدِيمِ الشِّعْرِ مِنْ مَثَلِ
٦٥. كَالْبَرْقِ فِي عَجَلٍ وَالرَّعْدِ فِي زَجَلٍ
وَالْغَيْثِ فِي هَلَلٍ وَالسَّيْلِ فِي هَمَلِ
٦٦. غَرَّاءُ تَعْلَقُهَا الأَسْمَاع مِنْ طَرَبٍ
وَتَسْتَطِيرُ بِهَا الأَلْبَابُ مِنْ جَذَلِ
٦٧. حَوْلِيَّةٌ صَاغَهَا فِكْرٌ أَقَرَّ لَهُ
بِالْمُعْجِزَاتِ قَبِيلُ الإِنْسِ وَالْخَبَلِ
٦٨. تَلُوحُ أَبْيَاتُهَا شَطْرَيْنِ فِي نَسَقٍ
كَالْمَشْرَفِيَّةِ قَدْ سُلَّتْ مِنَ الْخِلَلِ
٦٩. إِنْ أَخْلَقَتْ جِدَّةُ الأَشْعَارِ أَثَّلَهَا
لَفْظٌ أَصِيلٌ وَمَعْنىً غَيْرُ مُنْتَحَلِ
٧٠. تَفْنَى النُّفُوسُ وَتَبْقَى وَهْيَ نَاضِرَةٌ
عَلَى الدُّهُورِ بَقَاءَ السَّبْعَةِ الطُوَلِ