
You are my thoughts and words

أنت مني ما بين فكر ولفظ

1. You are my thoughts and words
When will my eyes delight in your nearness?

١. أَنْتَ مِنِّي مَا بَيْنَ فِكْرٍ وَلَفْظِ
فَمَتَى يَشْتَفِي بِقُرْبِكَ لَحْظِي

2. You've been absent three days, increasing
My regrets while my joy and luck left.

٢. غِبْتَ عَنِّي مَدَى ثَلاثٍ فَزَادَتْ
حَسَرَاتِي وَغَابَ أُنْسِي وَحَظِّي

3. So answer my call and forget not a promise
Of reunion that stays preserved in my memory.

٣. فَأَجِبْ دَعْوَتِي وَلا تَنْسَ وَعْدَاً
لَكَ بِالْوَصْلِ لا يَزالُ بِحِفْظِي