1. Ask the revolving sky if it can speak,
And how the mute, bowed one can confuse the word.
ูก. ุณููู ุงูููููููู ุงูุฏูููููุงุฑู ุฅููู ููุงูู ููููุทููู
ูููููููู ููุญููุฑู ุงูููููููู ุฃูุฎูุฑูุณู ู
2. We question it about its affair, and it is silent,
We inform it of what is in its soul, and it is folded.
ูข. ููุณุงุฆููููู ุนููู ุดูุฃููููู ูููููู ุตูุงู
ููููุฎูุจูุฑู ู
ูุง ููู ููููุณููู ูููููู ู
3. So neither its secret appears, nor do we perceive,
Neither does its concern draw near, nor do we reach.
ูฃ. ูููุง ุณูุฑูููู ููุจูุฏูู ูููุง ููุญููู ููุฑูุนูููู
ูููุง ุดูุฃููููู ููุฏูููู ูููุง ููุญููู ููููุญููู
4. And how can the soul gain intimacy from it
When the nearest thing in it from supposition is most foolish?
ูค. ูููููููู ุชูููุงูู ุงููููููุณู ู
ููููู ููุจูุงููุฉู
ููุฃูููุฑูุจู ู
ูุง ููููู ุนููู ุงูุธููููู ุฃูุณูุญููู
5. A space that returns the eye in sorrow and an open expanse
That clips the wing of thought while it is hovering.
ูฅ. ููุถูุงุกู ููุฑูุฏูู ุงููุนููููู ุญูุณูุฑูู ููู
ููููุตูู ุฌูููุงุญู ุงููููููุฑู ูููููู ู
6. It remained despite the erosion of oblivion, and everything
You see on the face of the earth perishes.
ูฆ. ุฃูููุงู
ู ุนูููู ุฑูุบูู
ู ุงููููููุงุกู ููููููู ู
ุชูุฑูุงูู ุนูููู ููุฌููู ุงููุจูุณููุทูุฉู ูููููููู
7. So it has ruined many a throne and ransacked many a tribe
And scattered many a gathering while it does not disperse.
ูง. ููููู
ู ุซูููู ุนูุฑูุดูุงู ููุงุณูุชูุจูุงุญู ููุจููููุฉู
ููููุฑูููู ุฌูู
ูุนูุงู ูููููู ูุง ููุชูููุฑูููู
8. It has tasted the bitternesses of sorrows, so there remains
Upon it a tinge from their color, thus it is blue.
ูจ. ุชูุญูุณููู ู
ูุฑูุงุฑูุงุชู ุงููููุจููุฏู ููููู
ู ุชูุฒููู
ุจููู ุตูุจูุบูุฉู ู
ููู ููููููููุง ูููููู ุฃูุฒูุฑููู
9. Day and night toil, and stars
Disappear to their appointed time, then rise.
ูฉ. ููููุงุฑู ูููููููู ููุฏูุฃูุจูุงูู ููุฃูููุฌูู
ุชูุบููุจู ุฅูููู ู
ููููุงุชูููุง ุซูู
ูู ุชูุดูุฑููู
10. It floats and sinks like a flower the storms have shaken
With a surge of water.
ูกู . ุชูุฑูููู ููุฒูููุฑู ุทููููุญูุชููู ุนูููุงุตููู
ุจูููุฌููุฉู ู
ูุงุกู ูููููู ููุทูููู ููููุบูุฑููู
11. Swimmers that do not cease, flowing to some goal
Which the delving priest falls short of.
ูกูก. ุณูููุงุจูุญู ูุง ุชูููููููู ุชูุฌูุฑูู ููุบูุงููุฉู
ููููุตููุฑู ุนูููููุง ุงููููุงูููู ุงููู
12. So O you who travel without guidance,
Go gently, for the door before you is closed.
ูกูข. ููููุง ุฃููููููุง ุงูุณููุงุฑูู ุนูููู ุบูููุฑู ููุฏูููุฉู
ุฑูููููุฏูุงู ููุฅูููู ุงููุจูุงุจู ุฏูููููู ู
13. Do you reckon the supposition can grasp some of what
You attempt, though supposition for man is pernicious?
ูกูฃ. ุฃูุชูุญูุณูุจู ุฃูููู ุงูุธููููู ููุฏูุฑููู ุจูุนูุถู ู
ุชูุญูุงูููููู ููุงูุธููููู ููููู
ูุฑูุกู ู
14. And how can the senses attain what is far off
When the senses are overwhelmed by the unseen?
ูกูค. ูููููููู ููููุงูู ุงููุญูุณูู ูููููู ู
ุณูุฑููุฑูุฉู ุบูููุจู ุฏููููููุง ุงููุญูุณูู ููุตูุนููู
15. So do not pursue the suspicion of conjectures, for everything
The human imagined is a fabricated fancy.
ูกูฅ. ูููุง ุชูุชููุจูุนู ุฑูููุจู ุงูุธููููููู ููููููู ู
ุชูุตููููุฑููู ุงูุฅูููุณูุงูู ููููู
ู ู
16. And do not reckon intuition will attain what is remote,
For not every time is the hunch of intuition truthful.
ูกูฆ. ูููุง ุชูุญูุณูุจูููู ุงููุญูุฏูุณู ููุฏูุฑููู ู
ูุง ููุฃูู
ูุง ููููู ุญูููู ููุงุฆููู ุงููุญูุฏูุณู ููุตูุฏููู
17. And how can the created being grasp the wisdom
By which Allah creates generations and obliterates?
ูกูง. ููุฃููููู ู
ููู ุงููู
ูุฎูููููู ุฅูุฏูุฑูุงูู ุญูููู
ุจูููุง ููููุดูุฆู ุงูููููู ุงููููุฑูููู ููููู
18. If man knew the state of his soul,
It would suffice him, but the son of Adam is foolish.
ูกูจ. ูููููู ุนูููู
ู ุงูุฅูููุณูุงูู ุญูุงููุฉู ููููุณููู
ููููุงูู ููููููููู ุงุจููู ุขุฏูู
ู ุฃูุฎูุฑููู
19. When a person cannot restrain the delusions of his fancy
From speaking of what does not benefit, he is a fool.
ูกูฉ. ุฅูุฐูุง ุงููู
ูุฑูุกู ููู
ู ููู
ููููู ุจูููุงุฏูุฑู ููููู
ุนููู ุงูููููููู ููู ู
ูุง ููู
ู ููููุฏู ูููููู ุฃูุญูู
20. So beware of the world, for the bliss of it
Fades, and the newly dressed becomes worn.
ูขู . ููุฅููููุงูู ููุงูุฏููููููุง ููุฅูููู ููุนููู
ููุฒูููู ููู
ูููุจููุณู ุงููุฌูุฏููุฏููููู ููุฎููููู
21. For if it gave you pleasure, it will afterwards
Become harsh after pleasure and tear.
ูขูก. ููุฅููู ูููู ุฃูุนูุทูุชููู ุงูููููุงูู ููุฅููููููุง
ุณูุชูุฎูุดููู ู
ููู ุจูุนูุฏู ุงูููููุงูู ููุชูุฎูุฑููู
22. Neither its affection remains nor the purity of its life
Endures, nor is its promise fulfilled.
ูขูข. ูููุง ููุฏููููุง ููุจูููู ูููุง ุตููููู ุนูููุดูููุง
ู ูููุง ู
ูููุนููุฏููุง ููุชูุญูููููู
23. So how it has reneged on promises and wearied of companions
And betrayed the loyal! It is a confused ruin.
ูขูฃ. ููููู
ู ุฃูุฎูููููุชู ููุนูุฏูุงู ููู
ููููุชู ุตูุญูุงุจูุฉู
ููุฎูุงููุชู ูููููููุงู ูููููู ุจูููููุงุกู ุชูููุฒููู
24. And how can one live the ages free of sorrow
While the sick are treated with worries and are bowed?
ูขูค. ูููููููู ููุนููุดู ุงูุฏููููุฑู ุฎููููุงู ู
ููู ุงูุฃูุณูู
ู ููุบูุงุฏูู ุจูุงููููู
ู ููููุทูุฑููู
25. By my fatherโs life, though life may last
But a dayโs journey, even that is a squeezed purity!
ูขูฅ. ููุนูู
ูุฑู ุฃูุจูู ุฅูููู ุงููุญูููุงุฉู ููุฅููู ุตูููุชู
ูุณูุงููุฉู ููููู
ู ูููููู ุตููููู ู
26. So why does man desire length of life
When in its length well-being is fragmented?
ูขูฆ. ูููููู
ู ููููุฏูู ุงููู
ูุฑูุกู ุทูููู ุญูููุงุชููู
ููููู ุทููููููุง ุดูู
ููู ุงููููููุงุกู ู
27. And what is time but lying in wait for a leap?
So beware of it, for it is angry and bowed.
ูขูง. ููู
ูุง ุงูุฏููููุฑู ุฅููููุง ู
ูุณูุชูุนูุฏู ููููุซูุจูุฉู
ููุญูุฐูุฑููู ู
ููููู ูููููู ุบูุถูุจูุงูู ู
28. As if the crescent of the horizon is a sword unsheathed
Against us, and the stars are strung arrows!
ูขูจ. ููุฃูููู ูููุงูู ุงูุฃููููู ุณููููู ู
ุนูููููููุง ุจููู ููุงููููุฌูู
ู ุณูููู
ู ู
29. It destroyed its children wrongfully without mercy.
How strange is a parent who has no compassion!
ูขูฉ. ุฃูุจูุงุฏู ุจูููููู ุธูุงููู
ูุงู ุบูููุฑู ุฑูุงุญูู
ููููุง ุนูุฌูุจูุงู ู
ููู ููุงููุฏู ููููุณู ููุดููููู
30. So do not grieve for a matter fearing its occurrence,
For one may feel safe where he fears separation.
ูฃู . ูููุง ุชูุจูุชูุฆูุณู ุจูุงูุฃูู
ูุฑู ุชูุฎูุดูู ูููููุนููู
ููููุฏู ููุฃูู
ููู ุงูุฅูููุณูุงูู ู
ููู ุญููุซู ููููุฑููู
31. Not everything you desire comes to fruition,
Nor everything you fear in fate befalls you.
ูฃูก. ููู
ูุง ููููู ู
ูุง ุชูููููุงูู ููุฃูุชูููู ุจูุงููู
ูููุง ููููู ู
ูุง ุชูุฎูุดูุงูู ููู ุงููุฏููููุฑู ููุทูุฑููู
32. And trust in God in every tribulation,
For He is more worthy of servants and kinder.
ูฃูข. ูููููู ููุงุซูููุงู ุจูุงูููููู ููู ููููู ู
ููููููููู ุฃูููููู ุจูุงููุนูุจูุงุฏู ููุฃูุฑููููู