
A blush beneath her veil -

أغرة تحت طره

1. A blush beneath her veil -
or dawn's radiant light in its magic hour?

١. أَغُرَّةٌ تَحْتَ طُرَّهْ
أَمُ نُورُ فَجْرٍ بِسُحْرَهْ

2. That branch, that budded breast -
or glancing blade and reddened flower?

٢. وَذَاكَ فَرْعٌ وَنَهْدٌ
أَمْ صَوْلَجَانٌ وَأُكْرَهْ

3. Dark-lipped, she sways, so gently
her supple spear, its reddened tip so tender.

٣. سَمْرَاءُ تَهْفُو بِقَدٍّ
كَالرُّمْحِ لِيناً وَسُمْرَهْ

4. She passed by me, pacing herself
like a doe, so dainty her gait.

٤. مَرَّتْ عَلَيَّ تَهَادَى
مِثْلَ الْمَهَاةِ بِشَبْرَهْ

5. I said: "Light of my eyes,
how can I endure?"

٥. فَقُلْتُ يا نُورَ عَيْنِي
مَا لِي عَلَى الصَّبْرِ قُدْرَهْ

6. Her modesty veiled her cheeks
in a rosy blush.

٦. فَنَقَّبَتْ وَجْنَتَيْهَا
يَدُ الْحَيَاءِ بِحُمْرَهْ

7. "Hush," she said, "Or else
word will spread among the folk."

٧. وَقَالَتِ اسْكُتْ وَإِلَّا
تَصِيرُ فِي النَّاسِ شُهْرَهْ

8. I said: "Can there be union
where love might find its wage?"

٨. فَقُلْتُ هَلْ مِنْ وِصَالٍ
يَكُونُ لِلْحُبِّ أُجْرَهْ

9. She smiled, then said:
"Be crafty and wise."

٩. فَاسْتَضْحَكَتْ ثُمَّ قَالَتْ
عَلَى الْخَديعَةِ بُكْرَهْ