1. Their treachery reveals this age has no mercy,
Shimr's betrayal after Ibn Muljam's deceit.
١. يَدُلُّ عَلَى أَنْ لَيْسَ فِي الدَّهْرِ رَحْمَةٌ
خِيَانَةُ شِمْرٍ بَعْدَ غَدْرِ ابْنِ مُلْجَمِ
2. Two stars of evil, two guides into error,
And every man is blamed on the star he orbits.
٢. هُمَا مَنْجَما شَرٍّ وَصِنْوَا ضَلالَةٍ
وَكُلُّ امْرِئٍ فِي الدَّهْرِ يُعْزَى لِمَنْجَمِ
3. Wretches wandering into heresy till daybreak
Cursed by eloquent and uncouth tongues alike,
٣. شَقِيَّانِ هَامَا فِي الضَّلالِ فَأَصْبَحَا
دَرِيئَةَ لَعْنٍ مِنْ فَصِيحٍ وَأَعْجَمِ
4. Their arrows flew high, their ambition peaked
To that exalted sphere girdled with stars.
٤. لَقَدْ فَوَّقَا سَهْمَيْهِمَا وَتَطَاوَلا
إِلَى فَلَكٍ عَالٍ مُحَاطٍ بِأَنْجُمِ
5. By my life! They've earned but disgrace and curses,
Whoever awaits dishonor, by God shall be stoned.
٥. لَعَمْرِي لَقَدْ بَاءا بِخِزْيٍ وَلَعْنَةٍ
وَمَنْ يَحْتَقِبْ خِزْيَاً مِنَ اللَّهِ يُرْجَمِ