1. O great and noble poet, be thoughtful
And let your words be full of wisdom
١. أَيُّهَا الشَّاعِرُ الْمُجِيدُ تَدَبَّرْ
وَاجْعَلِ الْقَوْلَ مِنْكَ ذَا تَحْكِيمِ
2. Do not blame the ignoble, but praise the noble
For to praise the noble is to blame the ignoble
٢. لا تَذُمَّ اللَّئِيمَ وَامْدَحْ كَرِيماً
إِنَّ مَدْحَ الْكَرِيمِ ذَمُّ اللَّئِيمِ