1. Is there a lad who sings with me
Between the eyelids with the dark pupils?
١. هَلْ مِنْ فَتَى يَنْشُدُ قَلْبِي مَعِي
بَيْنَ خُدُورِ الْعيْنِ بِالأَجْرَعِ
2. He was with me but passion called him
He passed by the neighborhood and did not return
٢. كَانَ مَعِي ثُمَّ دَعَاهُ الْهَوَى
فَمَرَّ بِالْحَيِّ وَلم يَرْجَعِ
3. So if I call him by his name
Would he awake from his drunkenness or become conscious?
٣. فَهَلْ إِذَا نَادَيْتُهُ بِاسْمِهِ
يُفِيقُ مِنْ سَكْرَتِهِ أَوْ يَعِي
4. Alas! He will not regain consciousness after
The glance of the fawn-eyed one misguided him
٤. هَيْهَاتَ يَلْقَى رَشَداً بَعْدَمَا
أَغْوَاهُ لَحْظُ الرَّشَإِ الأَتْلَعِ
5. So flow, tears of dripping, blood
And O virgins of the thicket, lament with me
٥. فَيَا دموعَ الْقَطْرِ سِيلِي دَماً
وَيَا بَنَاتِ الأَيْكِ نُوحِي مَعِي
6. And O breeze of the valley of grief
Pass your fragrance over my enclosure
٦. وَأَنْتِ يَا نَسْمَةَ وَادِي الْغَضَى
مُرِّي بِرَيَّاكِ عَلَى مَرْبَعِي
7. And O little bird of the bending branches
For God’s sake, sing joy and roost
٧. وَأَنْتِ يَا عُصْفُورَةَ الْمُنْحَنَى
بِاللَّهِ غَنِّي طَرَباً وَاسْجَعِي
8. And O eye, if you cannot
Fulfill the duty of tears, do not sleep
٨. وَأَنْتِ يَا عَيْنُ إِذَا لَمْ تَفِي
بِذِمَّةِ الدَّمْعِ فَلا تَهْجَعِي
9. An enchanting girl brought sorrow over me
And pointed out my resting place to insomnia
٩. صَبَابَةٌ أَغْرَتْ عَلَيَّ الأَسَى
وَدَلَّتِ السُّهْدَ عَلَى مَضْجَعِي
10. Woe to him from the fire of passion
Were it not for my tears, it would have burned my ribs
١٠. وَيْلاهُ مِنْ نارِ الْهَوَى إِنَّهَا
لَوْلا دُمُوعِي أَحْرَقَتْ أَضْلُعِي
11. I spend the night herding the stars in a shelter
Where the dawn got lost and did not rise
١١. أَبِيتُ أَرْعَى النَّجْمَ فِي سُدْفَةٍ
ضَلَّ بِهَا الصُّبْحُ فَلَمْ يَطْلُعِ
12. I cannot find in it a trick
To protect my life from the hands of my death
١٢. لا أَهْتَدِي فِيهَا إِلَى حِيلَةٍ
تَقِي حَيَاتِي مِنْ يَدَيْ مَصْرَعِي
13. Sometimes I cope with my torment with wishes
And sometimes my tears overwhelm me
١٣. طَوْرَاً أُدَارِي لَوْعَتِي بِالْمُنَى
وَتَارَةً يَغْلِبُنِي مَدْمَعِي
14. Is there an end to longing?
Or is there a way back home?
١٤. فَهَلْ إِلَى الأَشْوَاقِ مِنْ غَايَةٍ
أَمْ هَلْ إِلَى الأَوْطَانِ مِنْ مَرْجَعِ
15. Do not despair, O heart, over what is past
Suffering must have a relief
١٥. لا تَأْسَ يَا قَلْبُ عَلَى مَا مَضَى
لا بُدَّ لِلْمِحْنَةِ مِنْ مَقْطَعِ