1. My life is ruined by passion
And my affairs therein are confused
١. حَيَاتِي فِي الْهَوَى تَلَفُ
وَأَمْرِي فِيهِ مُخْتَلِفُ
2. I spend the night depressed
While my heart in solitude withers
٢. أَبِيتُ اللَّيْلَ مُكْتَئِباً
وَقَلْبِي فِي الْحَشَا يَجِفُ
3. So my sleep is all wakefulness
And my life entirely sorrow
٣. فَنَوْمِي كُلُّهُ سَهَرٌ
وَعَيْشِي كُلُّهُ أَسَفُ
4. What I conceal of my love
And my grief, more than I describe
٤. وَمَا أُخْفِيهِ مِنْ وَجْدِي
وَحُزْنِي فَوْقَ مَا أَصِفُ
5. Is there a friend who would eulogize
What I face, and thus be swayed?
٥. فَهَلْ مِنْ صَاحِبٍ يَرْثِي
لِمَا أَلْقَى فَيَنْعَطِفُ
6. Does love unjustly kill me
When none among mankind is my heir?
٦. أَيَقْتُلُنِي الْهَوَى ظُلْماً
وَمَا فِي النَّاسِ لِي خَلَفُ
7. It has left me like a frenzied knight
Whose reason has been overcast
٧. وَهَبْنِي فَارِسَ الْهَيْجا
ءِ أَغْشَاهَا فَتَنْكَشِفُ
8. Is not love an authority
Before which the cosmos trembles?
٨. أَلَيْسَ الْعِشْقُ سُلْطَاناً
لَهُ الأَكْوَانُ تَرْتَجِفُ
9. If passion is my adversary
Tell me, how can I get justice?
٩. إِذَا كَانَ الْهَوَى خَصْمِي
فَقُلْ لِي كَيْفَ أَنْتَصِفُ