1. With a conversant whose talk is like the melody of a lute,
Its words on the ear like the music of strings.
١. وَمُنَادِمٍ غَرِدِ الْحَدِيثِ كَأَنَّمَا
أَلْفَاظُهُ فِي السَّمْعِ نَغْمَةُ عُودِ
2. Gesture from him can spare explicitness,
And his phrase indicates what is meant.
٢. تُغْنِي الإِشَارَةُ مِنْهُ عَنْ تَصْرِيحِهِ
وَتَدُلُّ لَفْظَتُهُ عَلَى الْمَقْصُودِ
3. His eloquence has enthralled minds, as though
He gives his companion to drink the juice of grapes.
٣. سَحَرَ الْعُقُولَ بَيَانُهُ فَكَأَنَّهُ
يَسْقِي الْجَلِيسَ سُلافَةَ الْعُنْقُودِ