1. Do I pour dew over the narcissus,
Or is it the breeze of the garden beneath the Indian jasmine?
١. أَسَقيطُ الطَلِّ فَوقَ النَرجِسِ
أَم نَسيمُ الرَوضِ تَحتَ الحِندِسِ
2. Or is it a string of pearls, a well-arranged necklace,
That brings together all that is precious and cherished?
٢. أَم نِظامٌ لِلَآلٍ نَسَقٍ
جامِعٍ كُلَّ خَطيرٍ مُنفِسِ
3. Or is it an ode that came to me from a king,
A righteous king with a gentle spirit?
٣. أَم قَريضٌ جاءَني عَن مَلِكٍ
مالِكٍ بِالبِرِّ رِقَّ الأَنّفُسِ
4. My thoughts were confused by its creativity,
Perplexed, my eloquence failed me.
٤. دَلَّهَت فِكرِيَ مِن إِبداعِهِ
حيرَةٌ في مَنطِقٍ لي مُخرِسِ
5. I passed it on, wavering between an ambitious plain
And a gloomy, despairing valley.
٥. بِتُّ مِنهُ بَينَ سَهلٍ مُطمِعٍ
خادِعٌ يُتلى بِحُزنٍ مُؤيِسِ
6. O joyful breath of my father Abu al-Qasim, be calm!
O ray of the rising sun, shine!
٦. يا نَدى يُمنى أَبي القاسِمِ غِم
يا سَنا شَمسِ المُحَيّا أَشمِسِ
7. O most gracious and gentle nature, smile!
O difficult and haughty spirit, frown!
٧. يا بَهيجَ الخُلُقِ العَذبِ اِبتَسِم
يا مُهيجَ الأَنِفِ الصَعبِ اِعبِسِ
8. O beauty of the departing procession, when
He walked in it, O splendor of the gathering!
٨. يا جَمالَ المَوكِبِ الغادي إِذا
سارَ فيهِ يا بَهاءَ المَجلِسِ
9. You were not satisfied that I clothed you
With blessings that recall the bygone finery,
٩. أَنتَ لَم يُقنِعكَ أَن أَلبَستَني
نِعمَةً تُذكِرُ عَهدَ السُندُسِ
10. So you were gracious and adorned me
As a client dressed in splendor.
١٠. فَتَلَطَّفتَ لِأَن حَلَّيتَني
مولِياً طولي مُحَلّىً مُلبَسِ
11. Yours is praise that exalts, its pride
Is sublime, the most fragrant scent.
١١. داكَ تَنويهٌ ثَناني فَخرُهُ
سامِيَ اللَحظِ أَشَمَّ المَعطِسِ
12. The prime of glory was honored by a proposal
From you, and the groom rejoiced.
١٢. شَرَّفَت بِكرَ المَعالي خِطبَةٌ
مِنكَ فَاِنعَم بِسُرورِ المُعرَسِ
13. You are granted support, victory shines on you,
Sweet and mighty triumph.
١٣. تُمنَحُ التَأييدَ يُجلى لَكَ عَن
ظَفَرٍ حُلوٍ وَعِزٍّ أَقعَسِ
14. And sip the honeyed drink of speckled victory
That you collect from the grey grouse,
١٤. وَاِرتَشِف مَعسولَ نَصرٍ أَشنَبٍ
تَجتَنيهِ مِن عَجاجٍ أَلعَسِ
15. And gently handle good fortune in the hand of wishes,
So that your works shine like goblets.
١٥. وَاِرتَفِق بِالسَعدِ في دَستِ المُنى
تُصبِحِ الصُنعَ دِهاقَ الأَكؤُسِ
16. Thus the course of fate, however you desire it,
Climbing in its breast, does not shudder.
١٦. فَاِعتِراضُ الدَهرِ فيما شِئتَهُ
مُرتَقىً في صَدرِهِ لَم يَهجِسِ