
You are not from the gate of kings, O Abul

لست من بابة الملوك أبا ال

1. You are not from the gate of kings, O Abul
Abbas, leave them be, their affair is other than yours

١. لَستَ مِن بابَةِ المُلوكِ أَبا ال
عَبّاسِ دَعهُم فَشَأنُهُم غَيرُ شانِك

2. What is the vizier's reward from you when he
privately advises you except that you persist in your addiction?

٢. ما جَزاءُ الوَزيرِ مِنكَ إِذا اِخ
تَصَّكَ أَن تَستَمِرَّ في إِدمانِك

3. Do you think Iraq's serried ranks will not respond
to your touch, under your command?

٣. أَتُراهُ لا يَستَجيبُ لِإِمسا
كِكَ سَردُ العِراقِ تَحتَ لِسانِك

4. Since you prohibited wine we abstained
Although we are counted among your youths

٤. مُذ نَهانا عَنِ المُدامِ اِنتَهَينا
مَعَ أَنّا نُعَدُّ مِن صِبيانِك