
You've distanced with disdain, not one to distance

باعدت بالإعراض غير مباعد

1. You've distanced with disdain, not one to distance
And spurned those in whom no asceticism exists

١. باعَدتِ بِالإِعراضِ غَيرَ مُباعِدِ
وَزَهَدتِ فيمَن لَيسَ فيكِ بِزاهِدِ

2. You've quenched me with the water of your estrangement, leaving me
At dawn, radiant with cool, pure water

٢. وَسَقَيتِني مِن ماءِ هَجرِكِ ما لَهُ
أَصبَحتُ أَشرَقُ بِالزُلالِ البارِدِ

3. Why not make my soul the purpose of your ransom
That I may convey the deepest regret with great effort

٣. هَلّا جَعَلتِ فَدَتكِ نَفسي غايَةً
لِلعَتبِ أَبلُغُها بِجَهدِ الجاهِدِ

4. Do not corrupt what is confirmed between us
With the suspicions of a corrupt thought

٤. لا تُفسِدَن ما قَد تَأَكَّدَ بَينَنا
مِن صالِحٍ خَطَراتُ ظَنٍّ فاسِدِ

5. Far be it from you to waste a cordial path
That an enemy has ruined with one misdeed

٥. حاشاكِ مِن تَضيِيعِ أَلفِ وَسيلَةٍ
شَجِيَ العَدُوُّ لَها بِذَنبٍ واحِدِ

6. If I've made a mistake, you've punished me
More severely than the punishment of the resolute

٦. إِن أَجنِهِ خَطَأً فَقَد عاقَبتَني
ظُلماً بِأَبلَغَ مِن عِقابِ العامِدِ

7. Return me to the passion you've purified in me
For I'll not revert to what you've come to hate

٧. عودي لِما أَصفَيتِنيهِ مِنَ الهَوى
بَدءاً فَلَستُ لِما كَرِهتِ بِعائِدِ

8. Remove the mask of displeasure from the face of contentment
So I may bow before it the first to prostrate

٨. وَضَعي قِناعَ السَخطِ عَن وَجهِ الرِضا
كَيما أَخِرَّ إِلَيهِ أَوَّلَ ساجِدِ