1. May he who frequents this dwelling live long,
The longest life that gladdens souls.
١. عُمِّرَ مَن يَعمُرُ ذا المَجلِسا
أَطوَلَ عُمرٍ يُبهِجُ الأَنفُسا
2. And after this he will be compensated for his home
With Eden and silken garments.
٢. وَبَعدَ ذا عُوِّضَ عَن دارِهِ
عَدناً وَمِن ديباجِهِ السُندُسا
3. And he will be granted success and contentment,
And protected from misfortunes and trials.
٣. وَوُفِّيَ الفَوزَ بِها وَالرِضى
وَوُقِّيَ الأَسواءَ وَالأَبؤُسا
4. And may the worshippers of the covenant of guidance endure,
Guarding until the vigilant grows weary.
٤. وَدامَ عَبّادٌ لِعَهدِ الهُدى
يَحرُسُ حَتّى يُفنِيَ الأَحرُسا
5. With God's kindness his benefaction is resolute,
Bountiful, should time one day be unkind.
٥. مُعتَضِدٌ بِاللَهِ إِحسانُهُ
جَمٌّ إِذا ما الدَهرُ يَوماً أَسا
6. The everlasting king, the shining dew, attained
Every praise hearts can possess.
٦. المَلِكُ الغَمرُ النَدى المُقتَني
مِن كُلِّ حَمدٍ عِلقَهُ الأَنفُسا
7. If one day an eloquent describer endeavors
To describe his sublime attributes, he would be struck mute.
٧. إِن رامَ يَوماً وَصفَ عَليائِهِ
مُفَوَّهٌ مُقتَدِرٌ أُخرِسا
8. He remains an emerging, radiant full moon
That unveils our deepest hopes.
٨. لا زالَ بَدراً طالِعاً نَيِّراً
يَكشِفُ مِن آمالِنا الحِندِسا