
From the perfumes of youth did the zephyr exhale,

تنشق من عرف الصبا ما تنشقا

1. From the perfumes of youth did the zephyr exhale,
And memory of youth did his spirit regale,

١. تَنَشَّقَ مِن عَرفِ الصَبا ما تَنَشَّقا
وَعاوَدَهُ ذِكرُ الصِبا فَتَشَوَّقا

2. Ever flashed the lightning its glamour and light,
Provoking his tear till it streamed from his sight.

٢. وَما زالَ لَمعُ البَرقِ لَمّا تَأَلَّقا
يُهيبُ بِدَمعِ العَينِ حَتّى تَدَفَّقا

3. Can the sad captive control his poor tears?
O my friend, if I'm frantic - my madness is clear.

٣. وَهَل يَملِكُ الدَمعُ المَشوقُ المُصَبَّأُ
خَليلَيَّ إِن أَجزَع فَقَد وَضَحَ العُذرُ

4. If I master my grief, I but show my soul's strength;
And if mourning assail me, I take it by length.

٤. وَإِن أَستَطِع صَبراً فَمِن شيمَتي الصَبرُ
وَإِن يَكُ رُزأً ما أَصابَ بِهِ الدَهرُ

5. Today is for wine, and tomorrow - who knows?
Let the noble man smile though life buffet his nose.

٥. فَفي يَومِنا خَمرٌ وَفي غَدِهِ أَمرُ
وَلا عَجَبٌ إِنَّ الكَريمَ مُرَزَّأُ

6. The nights have deflected harsh blows from my head,
No hurt has the storm of mishap on me spread.

٦. رَمَتني اللَيالي عَن قَسِيِّ النَوائِبِ
فَما أَخطَأَتني مُرسَلاتُ المَصائِبِ

7. My days I beguile imagining vain things inane,
My nights I outwear, for slow plods every star's wane,

٧. أَقضي نَهاري بِالأَماني الكَواذِبِ
وَآوي إِلى لَيلٍ بَطيءِ الكَواكِبِ

8. Till one weary star at the pallid dawn goes its way.
Cordova beautiful - is there hope you'll be mine?

٨. وَأَبطَأُ سارٍ كَوكَبٌ باتَ يُكلَأُ
أَقُرطُبَةُ الغَرّاءَ هَل فيكِ مَطمَعُ

9. Can a heart scorched with love by your glances refine?
Can your mild-mooned nights make me their frequenter?

٩. وَهَل كَبِدٌ حَرّى لِبَينَكِ تُنقَعُ
وَهَل لِلَياليكِ الحَميدَةِ مَرجِعُ

10. When loveliness' vision and mirth's apprehension
Are yours, and existence itself your purveyor?

١٠. إِذِ الحُسنُ مَرأىً فيكِ وَاللَهوُ مَسمَعُ
وَإِذ كَنَفُ الدُنيا لَدَيكِ مُوَطَّأُ

11. Strange I'm revived when the gale blows from you here
As though I'd forgot the soft wind of your land,

١١. أَلَيسَ عَجيباً أَن تَشُطَّ النَوى بِكِ
فَأَحيا كَأَن لَم أَنسَ نَفحَ جَنابِكِ

12. As though the cleft hadn't closed in your mountain-cleft;
As though I was not moulded first from your sand,

١٢. وَلَم يَلتَئِم شَعبي خِلالَ شِعابِكِ
وَلَم يَكُ خَلقي بَدؤُهُ مِن تُرابِكِ

13. Nor shrouded all over by airs of your fand.
Your day is bright-faced and your night is soft-eyed,

١٣. وَلَم يَكتَنِفني مِن نَواحيكِ مَنشَأُ
نَهارُكِ وَضّاحٌ وَلَيلُكِ ضَحيانُ

14. Your soil is day-spring and your branch is green-tied.
Your earth is clad when your air is bare,

١٤. وَتُربُكِ مَصبوحٌ وَغُصنُكِ نَشوانُ
وَأَرضُكِ تُكسى حينَ جَوُّكِ عُريانُ

15. Your scent is spirit - your streams bring hearts repair.
Shall I forget days caparisoned with delight

١٥. وَرَيّاكِ رَوحٌ لِلنُفوسِ وَرَيحانُ
وَحَسبُ الأَماني ظِلُّكِ المُتَفَيَّأُ

16. When we wore the sprigged apricot day and night,
When towards all the senses' joys we marched ahead

١٦. أَأَنسى زَماناً بِالعِقابِ مُرَفَّلاً
وَعَيشاً بِأَكنافِ الرُصافَةِ دَغفَلا

17. While security wrapped us as raiment, and hatred fled?
Where kindness was meet, and hostility marred.

١٧. وَمَغنىً إِزاءَ الجَعفَرِيَّةِ أَقبَلا
لَنِعمَ مَرادُ النَفسِ رَوضاً وَجَدوَلا

18. The generous Spring clad it in pearls and green,
To it the gentle-breathing winds grew keen;

١٨. وَنِعمَ مَحَلُّ الصَبوَةِ المُتَبَوَّأُ
وَيا رُبَّ مَلهىً بِالعَقيقِ وَمَجلِسِ

19. Its sons found sweet the fruits of life serene,
Still greet we old friends at dusk or dawn's sheen.

١٩. لَدى تُرعَةٍ تَرنو بِأَحداقِ نَرجِسِ
بِطاحُ هَواءٍ مُطمِعِ الحالِ مُؤيِسِ

20. Salutations to those battle-plains, though abandoned!
My friends, more will come though the present host parts.

٢٠. مَغيمٍ وَلَكِن مِن سَنا الراحِ مُشمِسِ
إِذا ما بَدَت في كَأسِها تَتَلَألَأُ

21. Each predecessor only cedes to his successor.
I watch the days - feeble may trade with finer arts.

٢١. وَقَد ضَمَّنا مِن عَينِ شُهدَةَ مَشهَدُ
بَدَأنا وَعُدنا فيهِ وَالعودُ أَحمَدُ

22. Congratulations on an affair, when it thrives or smarts!
I became embittered so Freeman embittered grew,

٢٢. يَزُفُّ عَروسَ اللَهوِ أَحوَرُ أَغيَدُ
لَهُ مَبسِمٌ عَذبٌ وَخَدٌّ مُوَرَّدُ

23. And I began to grieve so Sorrow I withdrew.
Despair sat firm in my wonted heart's reign

٢٣. وَكَفٌّ بِحِنّاءِ المُدامِ تُقَنَّأُ
وَكائِن عَدَونا مُصعِدينَ عَلى الجِسرِ

24. Though in a land where I was held mean,
And who aims, like me, for base things will get meaner.

٢٤. إِلى الجَوسَقِ النَصرِيِّ بَينَ الرُبى العُفرِ
وَرُحنا إِلى الوَعساءِ مِن شاطِئِ النَهرِ

25. Don't let my enemies gloat at my jail-gloom,
For I've seen the sun sheathe itself in night-fume;

٢٥. بِحَيثُ هُبوبُ الريحِ عاطِرَةِ النَشرِ
عَلا قُضُبَ النُوّارِ فَهيَ تَكَفَّأُ

26. I was but a scimitar wrathful in its sheath,
A lion in the jungle, a hawk in its booth,

٢٦. وَأَحسِن بِأَيّامٍ خَلَونَ صَوالِحِ
بِمَصنَعَةِ الدولابِ أَو قَصرِ ناصِحِ

27. The trout hid in the corrie's depths - its glint doctored!
My creed scorns all cants from each bigot Dissenter

٢٧. تَهُزُّ الصَبا أَثناءَ تِلكَ الأَباطِحِ
صَفيحَةَ سَلسالِ المَوارِدِ سائِحِ

28. To each broad, mild breast more gentle and centre'd.
It gleams like a crescent, gold-inlaid and tender,

٢٨. تَرى الشَمسَ تَجلو نَصلَها حينَ يَصدَأُ
وَيا حَبَّذا الزَهراءَ بَهجَةَ مَنظَرِ

29. Eclipsing in sheen the moon when it's fulgent.
It knows its bright halo's the finer and pleasanter.

٢٩. وَرِقَّةَ أَنفاسٍ وَصِحَّةَ جَوهَرِ
وَناهيكَ مِن مَبدا جَمالٍ وَمَحضِرِ

30. I sorrow - no rest; though rest my cause furnishes.
The strings I touch not though they thrill for my fingers.

٣٠. وَجَنَّةِ عَدنٍ تَطَّبيكَ وَكَوثَرِ
بِمَرأىً يَزيدُ العُمرَ طيباً وَيَنسَأُ

31. I breathe out no moan though grief I go under.
Naught's mine since we parted but news of you - echos.

٣١. مَعاهِدُ أَبكيها لِعَهدٍ تَصَرَّما
أَغَضَّ مِنَ الوَردِ الجَنِيِّ وَأَنعَما

32. May kind words from your quarters keep arriving!
You've enjoyed days whose smooth moments please ya,

٣٢. لَبِسنا الصِبا فيها حَبيراً مُنَمنَما
وَقُدنا إِلى اللَذاتِ جَيشاً عَرَمرَما

33. The world's your oyster, peeled of sneezers.
Safe from its rebukes or its bore you're sealed,

٣٣. لَهُ الأَمنُ رِدءٌ وَالعَداوَةُ مَربَأُ
كَساها الرَبيعُ الطَلقُ وَشيَ الخَمائِلِ

34. Still one of you wraps the silk of its fields,
And sanctions the virgin of wishes, at ease, a

٣٤. وَراحَت لَها مَرضى الرِياحِ البَلائِلِ
وَغادى بَنوها العَيشَ حُلوَ الشَمائِلِ

35. New flower whose essence no coughs overlay.
I praised the days whose midnights and noons

٣٥. وَلا زالَ مِنّا بِالضُحى وَالأَصائِلِ
سَلامٌ عَلى تِلكَ المَيادينِ يُقرَأُ

36. Were free, excellent - never marred, never strown.
You wandered delighted through life's saloons

٣٦. إِخوانَنا لِلوارِدينَ مَصادِرُ
وَلا أَوَّلٌ إِلّا سَيَتلوهُ آخِرُ

37. While security granted you permanent boons,
And fate was your garden, each hour a new bloom.

٣٧. وَإِنّي لِأَعتابِ الزَمانِ لَناظِرُ
فَقَد يَستَقيلُ الجَدُّ وَالجَدُّ عاثِرُ

38. We visited, coming and going again,
A meadow whose name was Spring's Charm, Summer's Den -

٣٨. وَتُحمَدُ عُقبى الأَمرِ مازالَ يُشنَأُ
ظَعَنتُ فَكانَ الحُرُّ يُجفى فَيَظعَنُ

39. The zephyr, the meadow's brisk bridegroom, blew in;
A sweet smile he had, and vermeil-red cheek and chin,

٣٩. وَأَصبَحتُ أَسلو بِالأَسى حينَ أَحزَنُ
وَقَرَّ عَلى اليَأسِ الفُؤادُ المُوَطَّنُ

40. And fingers that, lifting the wine-cup, looked slender and lean.
We rose and walked over the bridge's breadth,

٤٠. وَإِنَّ بِلاداً هُنتُ فيها لَأَهوَنُ
وَمَن رامَ مِثلي بِالدَنِيَّةِ أَدنَأُ

41. To the Christian quarter midst convent and wreath,
And on to the shore, avoiding all danger and skirving,

٤١. وَلا يُغبِطُ الأَعداءَ كَونِيَ في السِجنِ
فَإِنّي رَأَيتُ الشَمسَ تُحصَنُ بِالدَجنِ

42. Where blows the wind laden with fragrance, its way swerving.
High above, the lamps of Naur sprayed scent unbegrudging.

٤٢. وَماكُنتُ إِلّا الصارِمَ العَضبَ في جَفنِ
أَوِ اللَيثَ في غابٍ أَوِ الصَقرَ في وَكنِ

43. Those excellent days amidst Mansi's halls,
Or Nasih's castle - what memories it recalls!

٤٣. أَوِ العِلقَ يُخفى في الصِوارِ وَيُخبَأُ
يَضيقُ بِأَنواعِ الصَبابَةِ مَذهَبي

44. How Zaba breezed through those wide acres and spalls,
Rustling the necklace of tumbling waterfalls!

٤٤. إِلى كُلِّ رَحبِ الصَدرِ مِنكُم مُهَذَّبِ
مُفَضَّضِ لَألاءِ الأَساريرِ مُذهَبِ

45. You could see the sun gleam as it slid from the walls.
Fair Zahra, superb of insight, vital of soul!

٤٥. يُنافِسُ مِنهُ البَدرُ غُرَّةَ كَوكَبِ
دَرى أَنَّها أَبهى سَناءً وَأَضوَأُ

46. How subtle the breath, how unblemished the whole!
A paradise, Eden - whatever you call

٤٦. أَسِفتُ فَما أَرتاحُ وَالراحُ تُثمِلُ
وَلا أُسعِفُ الأَوتارَ وَهيَ تَرَسَّلُ

47. The vision that beautifies, lengthens the days of my scroll
Till time itself to your perfume is grateful and dulcet and droll.

٤٧. وَلا أَرعَوي عَن زَفرَةٍ حينَ أُعذَلُ
وَلا لِيَ مُذ فارَقتُكُم مُتَعَلَّلُ

48. I mourn covenants, though they now seem so old,
Milder than blossoms, tranquil and controlled.

٤٨. سِوى خَبَرٍ مِنكُم عَلى النَأيِ يَطرَأُ
حَمِدتُم مِنَ الأَيّامِ لينَ خِلالِها

49. Donned we the sprigged apricot, purple and gold.
Marched we to joy though the trumpets of war rolled,

٤٩. وَسَرَّتكُمُ الدُنيا بِحُسنِ دَلالِها
مُؤَمَّنَةً مِن عَتبِها وَمَلالِها

50. While security wrapped us and hatred was doled.

٥٠. وَلا زالَ مِنكُم لابِسٌ مِن ظِلالِها
يُسَوِّغُ أَبكارَ المُنى وَيُهَنَّأُ