
My beloved, neither dawn brings joy, nor does eve,

خليلي لا فطر يسر ولا أضحى

1. My beloved, neither dawn brings joy, nor does eve,
Then what is the state of one who yearns at dusk as at dawn?

١. خَليلَيَّ لا فِطرٌ يَسُرُّ وَلا أَضحى
فَما حالُ مَن أَمسى مَشوقاً كَما أَضحى

2. If the east wind distressed me, still I never ceased
To be devoted to the ferment of passion in that plain,

٢. لَئِن شاقَني شَرقُ العُقابِ فَلَم أَزَل
أَخُصُّ بِمَمحوضِ الهَوى ذَلِكَ السَفحا

3. Nor did my inner self cease being roused
By the prompting of memories after sadness departs,

٣. وَما اِنفَكَّ جوفِيُّ الرُصافَةِ مُشعِري
دَواعِيَ ذِكرى تُعقِبُ الأَسَفَ البَرحا

4. And the palace of the Persian sways gently
As my heart indefatigably fans the flames of sorrow,

٤. وَيَهتاجُ قَصرُ الفارِسِيِّ صَبابَةً
لِقَلبِيَ لاتَألو زِنادَ الأَسى قَدحا

5. And the company of an advisor in the past was no dishonor
So he came in excessive ardour with good advice,

٥. وَلَيسَ ذَميماً عَهدُ مَجلِسِ ناصِحٍ
فَأَقبَلَ في فَرطِ الوَلوعِ بِهِ نُصحا

6. As if I never witnessed at the eye of the beloved
The descent of reproach whose end was opening,

٦. كَأَنِّيَ لَم أَشهَد لَدى عَينِ شَهدَةٍ
نِزالَ عِتابٍ كانَ آخِرُهُ الفَتحا

7. And the deeds of the one who wronged, if he walks
As an envoy of humility between us, he confirms peace,

٧. وَقائِعُ جانيها التَجَنّي فَإِن مَشى
سَفيرُ خُضوعٍ بَينَنا أَكَّدَ الصُلحا

8. And days of connection with mellow wine I procured
Unless its time be Eid, or Easter,

٨. وَأَيّامُ وَصلٍ بِالعَقيقِ اِقتَضَيتُهُ
فَإِلّا يَكُن ميعادُهُ العيدَ فَالفِصحا

9. And nights of revelry in the tavern of Malik
Sometimes playing music, or swimming as you wish,

٩. وَآصالُ لَهوٍ في مُسَنّاةِ مالِكٍ
مُعاطاةَ نَدمانٍ إِذا شِئتَ أَو سَبحا

10. With a anchored one who pours you from his balconies
Green goblets whose wine is tempered in the mansion,

١٠. لَدى راكِدٍ يُصبيكَ مِن صَفَحاتِهِ
قَواريرُ خُضرٍ خِلتَها مُرِّدَت صَرحا

11. The haunts of pleasures and lands of youth
Where I put off the full one with them in my dreams,

١١. مَعاهِدُ لَذّاتٍ وَأَوطانُ صَبوَةٍ
أَجَلتُ المُعَلّى في الأَماني بِها قِدحا

12. Can it be! Does the sanctuary of the blossoming one still stand
And accomplish its far goal his tears pouring forth?

١٢. أَلا هَل إِلى الزَهراءِ أَوبَةُ نازِحٍ
تَقَضّى تَنائيها مَدامِعَهُ نَزحا

13. The towers of a kingdom whose sides shone
And we spent the night in them while it was still dawn,

١٣. مَقاصيرُ مُلكٍ أَشرَقَت جَنَباتُها
فَخِلنا العِشاءَ الجَونَ أَثناءَها صُبحا

14. Imagination represents its domes before me
So its cupola, then the vast celestial sphere, then the roof,

١٤. يُمَثِّلُ قُرطَيها لِيَ الوَهمُ جَهرَةً
فَقُبَّتَها فَالكَوكَبَ الرَحبَ فَالسَطحا

15. A place of comfort whose beauty reminds of eternity
If the youth seldom echoes in it or spends the day there,

١٥. مَحَلُّ اِرتِياحٍ يُذكِرُ الخُلدَ طيبُهُ
إِذا عَزَّ أَن يَصدى الفَتى فيهِ أَو يَضحى

16. There are the blue doves that coo on its banks,
Shadows where I entrusted to time therein a noble youth,

١٦. هُناكَ الجِمامُ الزُرقُ تُندي حِفافَها
ظِلالٌ عَهِدتُ الدَهرَ فيها فَتىً سَمحا

17. I compensated for the severity of separation through them
An echo of expanses the vintages had filled at dawn,

١٧. تَعَوَّضتُ مِن شَدوِ القِيانِ خِلالَها
صَدى فَلَواتٍ قَد أَطارَ الكَرى ضَبحا

18. And from carrying the cup whose guide I ransom
Penetrating terrors, for it I carried the lance,

١٨. وَمِن حَملِيَ الكَأسَ المُفَدّى مُديرُها
تَقَحُّمُ أَهوالٍ حَمَلتُ لَها الرُمحا

19. Yes, my night above the shore of Naytah
Is shorter than my night at Anah then Bat'ha.

١٩. أَجَل إِنَّ لَيلي فَوقَ شاطِئِ نيطَةٍ
لَأَقصَرُ مِن لَيلي بِآنَةَ فَالبَطحا