1. She came to you with the bashful lover's hue
Mixing with the sleepless lover's complexion too
١. أَتَتكَ بِلَونِ المُحِبِّ الخَجِل
تُخالِطُ لَونَ المُحِبِّ الوَجِل
2. Fruits that included realizing them
An air surrounded them temperate and true
٢. ثِمارٌ تَضَمَّنَ إِدراكَها
هَواءٌ أَحاطَ بِها مُعتَدِل
3. She came to gently unfold her stages
From sun's heat to the coolness of shade
٣. تَأَتّى لِإِلطافِ تَدريجِها
فَمِن حَرِّ شَمسٍ إِلى بَردِ ظِلّ
4. Until she ended the healing of the ailing one
And brought joy to the longing one and the flirtation of the amorous one
٤. إِلى أَن تَناهَت شِفاءَ العَليلِ
وَأُنسَ المَشوقِ وَلَهوَ الغَزِل
5. If the wine would freeze she wouldn't make it stay
And if it melted it's a wine that comes into bloom
٥. فَلَو تَجمُدُ الراحُ لَم تَعدُها
وَإِن هِيَ ذابَت فَخَمرٌ تَحِلّ
6. She has a beautiful sight in the eyes
Like your world but it is fleeting
٦. لَها مَنظَرٌ حَسَنٌ في العُيونِ
كَدُنياكَ لَكِنَّهُ مُنتَقِل
7. And a taste that delights whoever tastes it
Like the sweetness of remembering you if it doesn't become insipid
٧. وَطَعمٌ يَلَذُّ لِمَن ذاقَهُ
كَلِذَّةِ ذِكراكَ لَو لَم يُمَلّ
8. And a scent when it's aroma blows
It makes your praise boring or it fades
٨. وَرَيّا إِذا نَفَحَت خِلتُها
تُمِلُّ ثَناءَكَ أَو تَستَهِلّ
9. Her touch represents to the palms
The softness of your times or it conforms
٩. يُمَثِّلُ مَلمَسُها لِلأَكُفِّ
لينَ زَمانِكَ أَو يَمتَثِل
10. An elite so I have indulged describing it
And whoever describes it let him point
١٠. صَفَوتُ فَأَدلَلتُ في عَرضِها
وَمَن يَصفُ مِنهُ الهَوى فَليُدِلّ
11. Accepting it is an untainted grace
And a favor connected to what preceded it
١١. قَبولُكَها نِعمَةٌ غَضَّةٌ
وَفَضلٌ بِما قَبلَهُ مُتَّصِل
12. If I were to give myself I'd summarize
That she is the aim of the most joyous celebrant
١٢. وَلَوكُنتُ أَهدَيتُ نَفسي اِختَصَر
تُ عَلى أَنَّها غايَةُ المُحتَفِل