
Though you may be young as the crescent moon

لئن كنت في السن ترب الهلال

1. Though you may be young as the crescent moon
In beauty you shine bright as the full moon

١. لَئِن كُنتَ في السِنِّ تِربَ الهِلالِ
لَقَد فُقتَ في الحُسنِ بَدرَ الكَمالِ

2. By Him who has saddened my fate
The nearness of place cannot replace the farness of attainment

٢. أَما وَالَّذي نَكَّدَ الحَظَّ فِيَّ
دُنُوُّ المَكانِ بِبُعدِ المَنالِ

3. The promptings of your love have carried me
To limits beyond what occurred to me

٣. لَقَد بَلَّغَتني دَواعي هَواكَ
إِلى غايَةٍ ما جَرَت لي بِبالِ

4. So say to passion to hold the reins slack
For the field of my heart is open and vast

٤. فَقُل لِلهَوى يَجرِ مِلءَ العِنانِ
فَمَيدانُ قَلبي رَحيبُ المَجالِ