
If your actions towards me are bad, what is my crime?

إن ساء فعلك بي فما ذنبي أنا

1. If your actions towards me are bad, what is my crime?
The one who is blameless thinks he has done well.

١. إِن ساءَ فِعلُكِ بي فَما ذَنبي أَنا
حَسبُ المُتَيَّمِ أَنَّهُ قَد أَحسَنا

2. I did not ask until your excuse was clearer
Than what you revealed, while my excuse was manifest.

٢. لَم أَسلُ حَتّى كانَ عُذرُكِ في الَّذي
أَبدَيتِهِ أَخفى وَعُذرِيَ أَبَينا

3. And I have complained about you in my conscience to passion
And in my anger at you I wished safety.

٣. وَلَقَد شَكَوتُكِ بِالضَميرِ إِلى الهَوى
وَدَعَوتُ مِن حَنَقٍ عَلَيكِ فَأَمِنّا

4. I distracted myself from your loyalty in error
And surely the flashing of wishes fools a person.

٤. مَنَّيتُ نَفسي مِن وَفائِكِ ضَلَّةً
وَلَقَد تَغُرُّ المَرءَ بارِقَةُ المُنى