1. My excuse, if you tire of excusing me,
Is a branch laden with fruit at the full moon.
١. عِذَري إِن عَذَلتَ في خَلعِ عُذري
غُصُنٌ أَثمَرَت ذُراهُ بِبَدرِ
2. The morning breeze shook off some clusters,
And turned away from the scarf with others.
٢. هَزَّ مِنهُ الصَبا فَقَوَّمَ شَطراً
وَتَجافى عَنِ الوِشاحِ بِشَطرِ
3. A shoot aimed straight for the gazelles,
At eyes darkened on purpose with magic.
٣. رَشَأٌ أَقصَدَ الجَوانِحَ قَصداً
عَن جُفونٍ كُحِلنَ عَمداً بِسِحرِ
4. Beauty donned its garb, seducing in it,
Trailing robes of splendor embroidered with conceit.
٤. كُسِيَ الحُسنَ فَهُوَ يَفتَنُّ فيهِ
ساحِباً ذَيلَ بُردِهِ المُسبَكِرِّ
5. Beneath the shade of luxuriant youth
And leaves of budding manhood, verdant,
٥. تَحتَ ظِلٍّ مِنَ الغَرارَةِ فَينا
نَ وَوُرقٍ مِنَ الشَبيبَةِ نُضرِ
6. It revealed a smooth cheek in blushing apples
And an ivory forehead amidst red anemones.
٦. أَبرَزَ الجيدَ في غَلائِلَ بيضٍ
وَجَلا الخَدَّ في مَجاسِدَ حُمرِ
7. With its bend, as it swayed, a coquette
Mingled allure with pride.
٧. وَتَثَنَّت بِعِطفِهِ إِذ تَهادى
خَطرَةٌ تَمزُجُ الدَلالَ بِكِبرِ
8. It visited me after an afternoon nap,
A siesta that gauges the dark in spans -
٨. زارَني بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ وَالثُرَيّا
راحَةٌ تَقدِرُ الظَلامَ بِشِبرِ
9. And dusk spun with stars in necklaces
That glittered silver and golden from heaven's blue.
٩. وَالدُجى مِن نُجومِهِ في عُقودٍ
يَتَلَألَأنَ مِن سِماكٍ وَنِسرِ
10. You'd think the horizon a meadow strewn
With dandelions, and dinars scattered over it.
١٠. تَحسَبُ الأُفقَ بَينَها لازَوَرداً
نُثِرَت فَوقَهُ دَنانيرُ تِبرِ
11. I sipped the wine most exquisitely,
And nibbled delicately on the fruit.
١١. فَرَشَفتُ الرُضابَ أَعذَبَ رَشفٍ
وَهَصرتُ القَضيبَ أَلطَفَ هَصرِ
12. We reveled in the intertwining of body and body,
The touching of mouth to mouth.
١٢. وَنَعِمنا بِلَفِّ جِسمٍ بِجِسمٍ
لِلتَصافي وَقَرعِ ثَغرٍ بِثَغرِ
13. Oh what a night it was when its darkness
Was lit up by its teeth and dimples more than dawn!
١٣. يا لَها لَيلَةً تَجَلّى دُجاها
مِن سَنا وَجنَتَيهِ عَن ضَوءِ فَجرِ
14. Our union was too short. But my love
Would prolong the brief time with my life.
١٤. قَصَّرَ الوَصلُ عُمرَها وَبِوُدّي
أَن يَطولَ القَصيرُ مِنها بِعُمري
15. Who excuses me from the guile of cruel Time
Where each day I'm ambushed by betrayal?
١٥. مَن عَذيري مِن رَيبِ دَهرٍ خَؤونٍ
كُلُّ يَومٍ أُراعُ مِنهُ بِغَدرِ
16. Whenever I say it's been unkind,
Its scorpions sting me, creeping slowly,
١٦. كُلَّما قُلتُ حاكَ فيهِ مَلامي
نَهَسَتني مِنهُ عَقارِبُ تَسري
17. And its calamities beset me, excellent
In merit, but defective against Fate's injustice,
١٧. وَتَرَتني خُطوبُهُ في صَفِيٍّ
فاضِلٍ نابِهٍ مِنَ الدَهرِ وِترِ
18. It was my garden of delight, and now
Today it is my garden of reflection.
١٨. بانَ عَنّي وَكانَ رَوضَةَ عَيني
فَغَدا اليَومَ وَهُوَ رَوضَةُ فِكري
19. A fruit that brightens a friend with a face
From which the eyes gush springs of good news,
١٩. فَكِهٌ يُبهِجُ الخَليلَ بِوَجهٍ
تَرِدُ العَينُ مِنهُ يَنبوعَ بِشرِ
20. A fawn, that should news some day reach it,
Would shame the blossoms' varied hues,
٢٠. لَوذَعِيٌّ إِن يَبلُهُ الخُبرُ يَوماً
أَخجَلَ الوَردَ عَن خَلائِقَ زُهرِ
21. And when a languishing glance flirts with it,
It almost melts from tenderness and flows.
٢١. وَإِذا غازَلَتهُ مُقلَةُ طَرفٍ
كادَ مِن رِقَّةٍ يَذوبُ فَيَجري
22. O Abu l-Qasim, who was my protection
And support against Time and my treasure,
٢٢. يا أَبا القاسِمِ الَّذي كانَ رِدئي
وَظَهيري عَلى الزَمانِ وَذُخري
23. O most deserving, by my sincere devotion,
And most rewarded with my utmost gratitude,
٢٣. يا أَحَقَّ الوَرى بِمَمحوضِ إِخلا
صي وَأَولاهُمُ بِغايَةُ شُكري
24. Fate knocked upon my domain with misfortunes
And calamities, odious and strange.
٢٤. طَرَقَ الدَهرُ ساحَتي مِن تَنائيكَ
كَ بِجَهمٍ مِنَ الحَوادِثِ نُكرِ
25. Would that I knew - though my soul knows -
Glory brings no gain for the youth. Would that I knew!
٢٥. لَيتَ شِعري وَالنَفسُ تَعلَمُ أَنَّ لَي
سَ بِمُجدٍ عَلى الفَتى لَيتَ شِعري
26. Can our departed days return?
Or does our past time hold any guile?
٢٦. هَل لِخالي زَمانِنا مِن رُجوعٍ
أَم لِماضي زَمانِنا مِن مَكَرِّ
27. Where are our days, and where are nights
Like gardens dressed in petals' motley colors,
٢٧. أَينَ أَيّامُنا وَأَينَ لَيالٍ
كَرِياضٍ لَبِسنَ أَفوافَ زَهرِ
28. And times as though drunk with wine
Or high on the excess of intoxication,
٢٨. وَزَمانٌ كَأَنَّما دَبَّ فيهِ
وَسَنٌ أَو هَفا بِهِ فَرطُ سُكرِ
29. When we rose to brooks of turquoise
Meandering through gardens of green,
٢٩. حينَ نَغدو إِلى جَداوِلَ زُرقٍ
يَتَغَلغَلنَ في حَدائِقَ خُضرِ
30. On terraces exquisite in beauty, reddish,
And plains polished with tawny plants,
٣٠. في هِضابٍ مَجلُوَّةِ الحُسنِ حُمرٍ
وَبَوادٍ مَصقولَةِ النَبتِ عُفرِ
31. Where we savored reconciliation with a secret
That sent the mind into raptures of delight,
٣١. نَتَعاطى الشَمولَ مُذهَبَةَ السِر
بالِ وَالجَوُّ في مَطارِفَ غُبرِ
32. While the air in the meadows' dust
Caressed youths robed in excellence and pride,
٣٢. في فُتُوٍّ تَوَشَحوا بِالمَعالي
وَتَرَدّوا بِكُلِّ مَجدٍ وَفَخرِ
33. Young men whose faces the darkness lifts
To reveal lamps glowing bright,
٣٣. وُضَّحٍ تَنجَلي الغَياهِبُ مِنهُم
عَن وُجوهٍ مِثلِ المَصابيحِ غُرِّ
34. Each cheek almost overflows with charm
And perfects its view with utmost decorum,
٣٤. كُلُّ خِرقٍ يَكادُ يَنهَلُّ ظَرفاً
زانَ مَرأىً بِهِ بِأَكرَمِ خُبرِ
35. And their features like goblets
Or gardens showered from clouds with rain,
٣٥. وَسَجايا كَأَنَّهُنَّ كُؤوسٌ
أَو رِياضٌ قَد جادَها صَوبُ قَطرِ
36. Receiving my approval with approval
Each time their fragrance soothed my breast.
٣٦. يَتَلَقّى القَبولَ مِنّي قُبولٌ
كُلَّما راحَ نَفحُها اِرتاحَ صَدري
37. Thus it flowed, laden with their features,
Like a breeze scented with perfume.
٣٧. فَهُوَ يَسري مُحَمَّلاً مِن سَجايا
كَ نَسيماً يُزهى بِأَفوَحِ عِطرِ
38. My friend, only one, highest
Of my wine cups, monopolizing my devotion!
٣٨. يا خَليلَيَّ وَواحِدي وَالمُعَلّى
مِن قِداحي وَالمُستَبِدُّ بِبِرّي
39. My sincere affection, pleasing you,
Remains constant, whether hidden or open,
٣٩. لا يَضِع وُدِّيَ الصَريحُ الَّذي أَر
ضاكَ مِنهُ اِستِواءُ سِرّي وَجَهري
40. And continuous tokens of affection
Have joined us like the pearls of a necklace.
٤٠. وَتَوالي أَذِمَّةٍ نَظَمَتنا
نَظمَ عِقدِ الجُمانِ في نَحرِ بِكرِ
41. Do not deny me your mansion, for affection,
If my life allows, can be brief.
٤١. لا يَكُن قَصرُكَ الجَفاءَ فَإِنَّ الوُدَّ
إِن ساعَدَت حَياتي قَصري
42. Restore the intimacy whose circle is broken
Save for recollection's seclusion.
٤٢. وَأَعِد بِالجَوابِ دَولَةَ أُنسٍ
قَد تَقَضَّت إِلّا عُلالَةَ ذِكرِ
43. Cover the parchment's surface with words
Dazzling the mind with eloquent prose and verse,
٤٣. واكِسُ مَتنَ القِرطاسِ ديباجَ لَفظٍ
يَبهَرُ الفِكرَ مِن نَظيمٍ وَنَثرِ
44. Unique pearls leaving no doubt
They are necklaces of priceless gems,
٤٤. غُرَرٌ مِن بَدائِعٍ لا يَشُّكُ الدَه
رُ في أَنَّها قَلائِدُ دُرِّ
45. Cascading upon the soul successively
From a naturally gifted and fruitful man,
٤٥. تَتَوالى عَلى النُفوسِ دِراكاً
عَن فَتىً موسِرٍ مِنَ الطَبعِ مُثرِ
46. Who raced in the field of rhetoric until
He surpassed the likes of Sahl and Amr.
٤٦. شَدَّ في حَلبَةِ البَلاغَةِ حَتّى
بانَ فيها عَن شَأوِ سَهلٍ وَعَمرِ
47. If you do not hasten my reply,
This letter will be an addled egg.
٤٧. وَإِذا أَنتَ لَم تُعَجِّل جَوابي
كانَ هَذا الكِتابُ بَيضَةَ عُقرِ
48. Remain under the protection of security
As long as the horizon's visitor travels hidden.
٤٨. فَاِبقَ في ذِمَّةِ السَلامَةِ ما اِنجا
بَ عَنِ الأُفُقِ عارِضٌ مُتَسَرِّ
49. And peace be upon you as long as the doves
Coo and the lote-trees' branches sway.
٤٩. وَعَلَيكَ السَلامُ ما غَنَّتِ الوُر
قُ وَمالَت بِها ذَوائِبُ سِدرِ