
Have we known the sun to grow weary,

هل عهدنا الشمس تعتاد الكلل

1. Have we known the sun to grow weary,
Or seen the full moon tire of wandering?

١. هَل عَهِدنا الشَمسَ تَعتادُ الكِلَل
أَم شَهِدنا البَدرَ يَجتابُ الحُلَل

2. Does desire trouble the shepherd's staff?
Or does love make the gazelle of the desert languish?

٢. أَم قَضيبُ البانِ يَعنيهِ الهَوى
أَم غَزالُ القَفرِ يُصبيهِ الغَزَل

3. It broke conventions, revealing an image
That gathered beauty and celebrated.

٣. خَرَقَ العاداتِ مُبدي صورَةٍ
حَشَدَ الحُسنُ عَلَيها فَاحتَفَل

4. The page is colored with the water of youth,
The cheek saturated with the dye of shyness.

٤. مُشرَبُ الصَفحَةِ مِن ماءِ الصِبا
مُشبَعُ الوَجنَةِ مِن صِبغِ الخَجَل

5. Who can blame me if I lose my wits for him
Who forgot our pact if I should return?

٥. مَن عَذيري مِنهُ إِن أَغبَبتُهُ
نَسِيَ العَهدَ وَإِن عاوَدتُ مَلّ

6. My killer, faulting me for my surrender -
Would that I knew: was my surrender allowed?

٦. قاتِلٌ لي بِالتَجَنّي ما لَهُ
لَيتَ شِعري أَحَلالٌ ما اِستَحَلّ

7. You who preen, proud of your finery,
You most deserve a beauty-mark, so spot yourself!

٧. أَيُّها المُختالُ في زينَتِهِ
أَنتَ أَولى الناسِ بِالخالِ فَخَل

8. If you indulge, you have a clear excuse:
Whoever beauty aids is readily excused.

٨. لَكَ إِن أَدلَلتَ عُذرٌ واضِحٌ
كُلُّ مَن ساعَفَهُ الحُسنُ أَدَلّ

9. The sickness that afflicted me
Was health, in that state, to suffer so.

٩. سَبَبُ السُقمِ الَّذي بَرَّحَ بي
صِحَّةٌ كَالسُقمِ في تِلكَ المُقَل

10. When his father took ill, hopes for him
Spoke - and he acted.

١٠. إِنَّ مَن أَضحى أَباهُ جَهورٌ
قالَتِ الآمالُ عَنهُ فَفَعَل

11. A king who enjoyed the fruits of life through him
Wherever the safe reached those in peril.

١١. مَلِكٌ لَذَّ جَنى العَيشِ بِهِ
حَيثُ وِردُ الأَمنِ لِلصادي عَلَل

12. The benefactor did well by us, so he deserved
Just as the evildoer earned his lot.

١٢. أَحسَنَ المُحسِنُ مِنّا فَجَزى
مِثلَما لَجَّ مُسيءٌ فَاحتَمَل

13. His every righteous deed was exemplary,
While the deeds of those against him were flimsy.

١٣. سَعيُهُ في كُلِّ بِرٍّ مَثَلٌ
إِذ مَساعي مَن يُناويهِ مُثُل

14. Among his envious rivals are plenty
Who surpass the sword in slander.

١٤. لا يَزَل مِن حاسِديهِ مُكثِرٌ
أَو مُقِلٌّ سَبَقَ السَيفُ العَذَل

15. O scions of Jahwar, through you the world
Regained its finest days after their loss.

١٥. يا بَني جَهورٍ الدُنيا بِكُم
حَلِيَت أَيّامُها بَعدَ العَطَل

16. For it's through your mediation, truly,
That beauty attained the seal of power.

١٦. إِنَّما دَولَتُكُم واسِطَةٌ
أَهدَتِ الحُسنَ إِلى عِقدِ الدُوَل

17. We enjoy your blessings in full blossom,
Renewing the promise of the spring to come.

١٧. نَحنُ مِن نَعمائِكُم في زَهرَةٍ
جَدَّدَت عَهدَ الرَبيعِ المُقتَبَل

18. December was sweet for us during it,
As though the sun concluded its pregnancy there.

١٨. طابَ كانونٌ لَنا أَثناءَها
فَكَأَنَّ الشَمسَ حَلَّت بِالحَمَل

19. Your virtues have bloomed, so they smile
Like the smile of a rose with lustrous pearls.

١٩. زَهَرَت أَخلاقُكُم فَابتَسَمَت
كَاِبتِسامِ الوَردِ عَن لُؤلُؤِ طَلّ

20. O sea! However much you overflow
With dew, the sea is replenished by it!

٢٠. أَيُّها البَحرُ الَّذي مَهما تَفِض
بِالنَدى يُمناهُ فَالبَحرُ وَشَل

21. What single fault have we found in you
That an eye would fear once merit is complete?

٢١. مَن لَنا فيكَ بِعَيبٍ واحِدٍ
تُحذَرُ العَينُ إِذا الفَضلُ كَمُل

22. Nobility that dispenses with praise,
Just as kohl dispenses with more kohl!

٢٢. شَرَفٌ تَغنى عَنِ المَدحِ بِهِ
مِثلَما يَغنى عَنِ الكُحلِ الكَحَل

23. I'm a plant on the soil of the sublime - if
You cease to water me, I will wither.

٢٣. أَنا غَرسٌ في ثَرى العَلياءِ لَو
أَبطَأَت سُقياكَ عَنهُ لَذَبُل

24. I have a reputation, through your gifts to me,
That vexes the envious if ever it wavers.

٢٤. لِيَ ذِكرٌ بِالَّذي أَسدَيتَهُ
نابِهٌ وَدَّ حَسودٌ لَو خَمَل

25. So let him who disparages a gentleman's way,
Taught by the conduct of earlier men, die of disease!

٢٥. فَليَمُت بِالداءِ مِن حالِ فَتىً
أَدَّبَتهُ سِيَرُ الناسِ الأُوَل

26. Take to heart the wisdom from what they say:
Embrace health, and endeavor will embrace you.

٢٦. فَوَعى الحِكمَةَ عَن قائِلِهِم
اِلزَمِ الصِحَّةَ يَلزَمكَ العَمَل

27. Your favors came to me, offering themselves -
I did not plot to gain them by tricks.

٢٧. أَقبَلَت نُعماكَ تُهدي نَفسَها
لَم أُرِغ حَظِّيَ مِنها بِالحِيَل

28. I accepted the hand from one whose hand
Time and again is the locus of kisses.

٢٨. فَقَبِلتُ اليَدَ مِن بَطنِ يَدٍ
ظَهرُها الدَهرَ مَحَلٌّ لِلقُبَل

29. We have all conveyed what we wished,
So accomplish the ultimate of every wish!

٢٩. كُلُّنا بُلِّغَ ما أَمَّلَهُ
فَابلُغِ الغايَةَ مِن كُلِّ أَمَل

30. And if fate desires you, then grant consent,
And when you desire fortunes, then attain them!

٣٠. وَإِذا ما رامَكَ الدَهرُ فَفُت
وَإِذا رُمتَ الأَمانِيَّ فَنَل