
Shall I be banished though no crime I did commit?

أأجفى بلا جرم وأقصى بلا ذنب

1. Shall I be banished though no crime I did commit?
And exiled though no sin my soul doth admit?

١. أَأُجفى بِلا جُرمٍ وَأُقصى بِلا ذَنبِ
سِوى أَنَّني مَحضُ الهَوى صادِقُ الحُبِّ

2. Except that true love dwelt within my heart,
And constancy towards you played its part.

٢. أُغاديكَ بِالشَكوى فَأُضحي عَلى القِلى
وَأَرجوكَ لِلعُتبى فَأَظفَرُ بِالعَتبِ

3. I come to you with plaints that try my soul,
And hope from you a rebuke to make me whole.

٣. فَدَيتُكَ ما لِلماءِ عَذباً عَلى الصَدى
وَإِن سُمتَني خَسفاً مَحَلُّكَ مِن قَلبي

4. Sweet water still doth fresher taste, they say,
If drunk from out the hollow of your hand it may.

٤. وَلَولاكَ ماضاقَت حَشايَ صَبابَةً
جَعَلتُ قِراها الدَمعَ سَكباً عَلى سَكبِ