1. I have revived the memories of passion after forgetfulness
And my heart has rekindled longing after tranquility
١. عاوَدتُ ذِكرى الهَوى مِن بَعدِ نِسيانِ
وَاِستَحدَثَ القَلبُ شَوقاً بَعدَ سُلوانِ
2. For the love of a maiden who appears like an idol
With a crown of braids over her smooth cheeks
٢. مِن حُبِّ جارِيَةٍ يَبدو بِها صَنَمٌ
مِن اللُجَينِ عَلَيهِ تاجُ عِقيانِ
3. A coquette never parted from her charms
Who captivates minds with her alluring glances and teeth
٣. غَريرَةٌ لَم تُفارِقها تَمائِمُها
تَسبي العُقولَ بِساجي الطَرفِ وَسنانِ
4. I will find in my passion for her a time
That makes me forget the tales of my days and years
٤. لَأَستَجِدَّنَّ في عِشقي لَها زَمَناً
يُنسي سَوالِفَ أَيّامي وَأَزماني
5. Until she becomes for the one I fell in love with a conclusion
In whose love I have reneged on my faith
٥. حَتّى تَكونَ لِمَن أَحبَبتُ خاتِمَةً
نَسَختُ في حُبِّها كُفراً بِإيمانِ