
Shall I be deprived of your affection, though clothed with it,

أأسلب من وصالك ما كسيت

1. Shall I be deprived of your affection, though clothed with it,
And removed from your good pleasure, though I sought it?

١. أَأُسلَبُ مِن وِصالِكِ ما كُسيتُ
وَأُعزَلُ عَن رِضاكِ وَقَد وَليتُ

2. How could I, when by your love's path willingly
I met with all the suffering I have met?

٢. وَكَيفَ وَفي سَبيلِ هَواكِ طَوعاً
لَقيتُ مِنَ المَكارِهِ ما لَقيتُ

3. I murmur no reproach that does not quickly fade,
I nourish no resentment that does not sleep.

٣. أُسِرُّ عَلَيكِ عَتباً لَيسَ يَبقى
وَأُضمِرُ فيكِ غَيظاً لا يَبيتُ

4. And my only return against slanderers is:
I am content with my lady's tyranny, content.

٤. وَما رَدّي عَلى الواشينَ إِلّا
رَضيتُ بِجَورِ مالِكَتي رَضيتُ