1. The breeze of al-Rawamish heals the sick with its fragrance
Scented with breath, pleasant when scattered
١. وَرامِشَةٍ يَشفي العَليلَ نَسيمُها
مُضَمَّخَةُ الأَنفاسِ طَيِّبَةُ النَشرِ
2. Towards me a slender one gestured, beautifully shaped
To console the tearful eye at night
٢. أَشارَ بِها نَحوي بَنانٌ مُنَعَّمٌ
لِأَغيَدَ مَكحولِ المَدامِعِ بِالسِحرِ
3. Freshness crept in its branches since it existed
And it was perfumed with the musk of its white flowers
٣. سَرَت نَضرَةٌ مِن عَهدِها في غُصونِها
وَعُلَّت بِمِسكٍ مِن شَمائِلِهِ الزُهرِ
4. When he presented the jasmine with his hand
I took the stars for the moon from the palm of the full moon
٤. إِذا هُوَ أَهدى الياسَمينَ بِكَفِّهِ
أَخَذتُ النُجومَ الزُهرَ مِن راحَةِ البَدرِ
5. He has a gentle nature and good manners
And elegance like the scent of perfume or the intoxication of wine
٥. لَهُ خُلُقٌ عَذبٌ وَخَلقٌ مُحَسَّنٌ
وَظَرفٌ كَعَرفِ الطيبِ أَو نَشوَةِ الخَمرِ
6. It entertains my soul with a conversation I find sweet
Like wishes, reunion after separation
٦. يُعَلِّلُ نَفسي مِن حَديثٍ تَلَذُّهُ
كَمِثلِ المُنى وَالوَصلِ في عُقُبِ الهَجرِ