
We have sent it to benefit the limbs

قد بعثناه ينفع الأعضاء

1. We have sent it to benefit the limbs
When its gentleness clears the heat

١. قَد بَعَثناهُ يَنفَعُ الأَعضاءَ
حينَ يَجلو بِلُطفِهِ السَخناءَ

2. It came adorned with delicate hospital
Deceiving the eye with softness and purity

٢. جاءَ يُزهى بِمُستَشَفٍّ رَقيقٍ
يَخدَعُ العَينَ رِقَّةً وَصَفاءَ

3. The eye penetrates it in a fold of light
Filled by the hands of suns with radiance

٣. تَنفِذُ العَينُ مِنهُ في ظَرفِ نورٍ
مَلَأَتهُ أَيدي الشُموسِ ضِياءَ

4. The days have given it the coolness of air
So it is a body molded of fire and water

٤. أَكسَبَتهُ الأَيّامُ بَردَ هَواءٍ
فَهُوَ جِسمٌ قَد صيغَ ناراً وَماءَ

5. A view that gladdens hearts and a taste
That the soul thanks for its continuity

٥. مَنظَرٌ يُبهِجَ القُلوبَ وَطَعمٌ
تَشكُرُ النَفسُ عَهدُهُ اِستِمراءَ

6. The pleasure of connection reached him after despair
A companion who long complained of estrangement

٦. لَذَّةُ الوَصلِ نالَهُ بَعدَ يَأسٍ
كَلِفٌ طالَما تَشَكّى الجَفاءَ

7. Its taste shames honey whenever it inclines
Towards it and puts saffron to shame

٧. يَفضَحُ الشَهدَ طَعمُهُ كُلَّما قي
سَ إِلَيهِ وَيُخجِلُ الصَهباءَ

8. It excelled what was presented first in purity
So I looked down on their taste with contempt

٨. فَضَلَ السابِقَ المُقَدَّمَ في النُض
جِ فَأَزرى بِطَعمِهِ إِزراءَ

9. Except that I sent this as food
That the young man desires and that is medicine

٩. غَيرَ أَنّي بَعَثتُ هَذا غِذاءً
يَشتَهيهِ الفَتى وَذاكَ دَواءَ

10. A soother that cools the temperament when
It boils with inflammation and suppresses bile

١٠. مُلطِفٌ يُبرِدُ المَزاجَ إِذا
جاشَ اِلتِهاباً وَيَقمَعُ الصَفراءَ