1. Trust me, my tormentor, for I
Will keep safe in you what you have lost of me
١. ثِقي بي يا مُعَذِّبَتي فَإِنّي
سَأَحفَظُ فيكِ ما ضَيَّعتِ مِنّي
2. And if you have pleased a people
With my displeasure, that was not my view of you
٢. وَإِن أَصبَحتِ قَد أَرضَيتِ قَوماً
بِسُخطي لَم يَكُن ذا فيكِ ظَنّي
3. Is there a heart like yours in my chest
That I would ask about you when you asked about me
٣. وَهَل قَلبٌ كَقَلبِكِ في ضُلوعي
فَأَسلو عَنكِ حينَ سَلَوتِ عَنّي
4. My soul wished that it would attain your satisfaction
That wish was its demise
٤. تَمَنَّت أَن تَنالَ رِضاكِ نَفسي
فَكانَ مَنِيَّةً ذاكَ التَمَنّي
5. And I did not commit sins for you to resent them
But it is your habit to suspect
٥. وَلَم أَجنِ الذُنوبَ فَتَحقِديها
وَلَكِن عادَةٌ مِنكِ التَجَنّي