1. Is it my call that the listener declared,
Or is it from the hundreds I presented as benefitted?
١. هَلِ النِداءُ الَّذي أَعلَنتُ مُستَمَعُ
أَم في المِئاتِ الَّتي قَدَّمتُ مُنتَفَعُ
2. I am amazed at luck that procrastinates towards me,
Like despair from attaining it allures greed.
٢. إِنّي لَأَعجَبُ مِن حَظٍّ يُسَوِّفُ بي
كَاليَأسِ مِن نَيلِهِ أَن يَجذِبَ الطَمَعُ
3. Peace refuses to justify my fate,
A soul once deceived is not appeased by deceit.
٣. تَأبى السُكونَ إِلى تَعليلِ دَهرِيَ لي
نَفسٌ إِذا خودِعَت لَم تُرضِها الخُدَعُ
4. Sinking into the world is no proof of wisdom,
For its conditions are states whose days pass.
٤. لَيسَ الرُكونُ إِلى الدُنيا دَليلَ حِجىً
فَإِنَّها دُوَلٌ أَيّامُها مُتَعُ
5. Misfortunes come systematically from their events,
As opportunities are radiant amongst them.
٥. تَأتي الرَزايا نِظاماً مِن حَوادِثِها
إِذِ الفَوائِدُ في أَثنائِها لُمَعُ
6. The wise like me for their time,
Are below the ultimate wishes and passion.
٦. أَهلُ النَباهَةِ أَمثالي لِدَهرِهِمُ
بِقَصرِهِم دونَ غاياتِ المُنى وَلَعُ
7. Were it not for the children of valor my ambitions would not have shone,
Like the whiteness of nights beneath the coat of mail.
٧. لَولا بَنو جَهوَرٍ ما أَشرَقَت هِمَمي
كَمِثلِ بيضِ اللَيالي دونَها الدُرَعُ
8. They are the kings, kings of the earth beneath whom,
The weaves of narratives with their generosity vie.
٨. هُمُ المُلوكُ مُلوكُ الأَرضِ دونَهُمُ
غيدُ السَوالِفِ في أَجيادِها تَلَعُ
9. If anyone were to surpass them it's no wonder,
Like the month amongst its days is the total.
٩. مِنَ الوَرى إِن يَفوقوهُم فَلا عَجَبٌ
كَذَلِكَ الشَهرُ مِن أَيّامِهِ الجُمَعُ
10. When describing their munificence if celebrations occur,
The description takes but some of what it leaves.
١٠. قَومٌ مَتى تَحتَفِل في وَصفِ سُؤدُدِهِم
لا يَأخُذِ الوَصفُ إِلّا بَعضَ ما يَدَعُ
11. They frowned at fate, so secrets listened to them,
The water of eloquence in its mysteries gushed forth.
١١. تَجَهَّمَ الدَهرُ فَاِنصاتَت لَهُم غُرَرٌ
ماءُ الطَلاقَةِ في أَسرارِها دُفَعُ
12. Their faces shone and modesty from nobleness,
So whenever a glance was cast it was beautiful if heard.
١٢. باهَت وُجوهُهُمُ الأَعراضَ مِن كَرَمٍ
فَكُلَّما راقَ مَرأىً طابَ مُستَمَعُ
13. Cypress trees vie in weaving eulogies for it,
Until the beauties of poetry amongst themselves clashed.
١٣. سَروٌ تَزاحَمُ في نَظمِ المَديحِ لَهُ
مَحاسِنُ الشِعرِ حَتّى بَينَها قُرَعُ
14. Abu Al-Waleed fully enumerated their merits,
So the separations from those in him are collected.
١٤. أَبو الوَليدِ قَدِ اِستَوفى مَناقِبَهُم
فَلِلتَفاريقِ مِنها فيهِ مُجتَمَعُ
15. He is the noble one whom nobleness legislated for,
The flowers of effort so transgression did not allure him.
١٥. هُوَ الكَريمُ الَّذي سَنَّ الكِرامُ لَهُ
زُهرَ المَساعي فَلَم تَستَهوِهِ البِدَعُ
16. From a dynasty that deluded him in its succession,
That virtues were a legacy through it legislated.
١٦. مِن عِترَةٍ أَوهَمَتهُ في تَعاقُبِها
أَنَّ المَكارِمَ إيصاءً بِها شِرَعُ
17. Cultured whom his natural disposition purified,
Like a sword complete in its creation the making.
١٧. مُهَذَّبٌ أَخلَصَتهُ أَوَّلِيَّتُهُ
كَالسَيفِ بالَغَ في إِخلاصِهِ الصَنَعُ
18. Swords when their essence is good during the first imprint,
No imprint then adheres to them.
١٨. إِنَّ السُيوفَ إِذا ما طابَ جَوهَرُها
في أَوَّلِ الطَبعِ لَم يَعلَق بِها طَبَعُ
19. Jadhlans laughs at days due to traits,
Like a meadow laughs at them during watering from sections.
١٩. جَذلانُ يَستَضحِكُ الأَيّامَ عَن شِيَمٍ
كَالرَوضِ تَضحَكُ مِنهُ في الرُبى قِطَعُ
20. Cool and fresh its tastings appealed from its springs,
To a thirsty drinking it the reverberations of echo quenched.
٢٠. كَالبارِدِ العَذبِ لَذَّت مِن مَوارِدِهِ
لِشارِبٍ غِبَّ تَبريحِ الصَدى جُرَعُ
21. Say to the minister whom my ministry hopes for,
If troubled shrinks or hesitates the rising.
٢١. قُل لِلوَزيرِ الَّذي تَأميلُهُ وَزَري
إِن ضاقَ مُضطَرَبٌ أَو هالَ مُطَّلَعُ
22. Ignore the rebuke's whisper underneath which is irritation,
And obligate the self beyond what it can endure.
٢٢. أَصِخ لِهَمسِ عِتابٍ تَحتَهُ مِقَةٌ
وَكَلِّفِ النَفسَ مِنها فَوقَ ما تَسَعُ
23. What of the twisting you knitted its knot,
Grief at losing it crept into the heart.
٢٣. ما لِلمَتابِ الَّذي أَحصَفتَ عُقدَتَهُ
قَد خامَرَ القَلبَ مِن تَضييعِهِ جَزَعُ
24. For me in allegiance are followers made happy,
That I for them in what we are rewarded am a follower.
٢٤. لي في المُوالاةِ أَتباعٌ يَسُرُّهُمُ
أَنّي لَهُم في الَّذي نُجزى بِهِ تَبَعُ
25. Am I not worthy of exclusivity from you that adorns me,
Either the beauty of its mark or is it in me pretentious?
٢٥. أَلَستُ أَهلَ اِختِصاصٍ مِنكَ يُلبِسُني
جَمالَ سيماهُ أَم ما فِيَّ مُصطَنَعُ
26. I have not attained in my state from my efforts through you misery,
But in ancestry soars the state or settles.
٢٦. لَم أوتِ في الحالِ مِن سَعيي لَدَيكَ وَنىً
بَل بِالجُدودِ تَطيرُ الحالُ أَو تَقَعُ
27. Do not demean the status of my position after you raised it,
For God does not raise a position that you demean.
٢٧. لا تَستَجِز وَضعَ قَدَري بَعدَ رَفعِكَهُ
فَاللَهُ لا يَرفَعُ القَدرَ الَّذي تَضَعُ
28. Your favors advanced to me, my hopes returned it,
To a side that for man is a refuge.
٢٨. تَقَدَّمَت لَكَ نُعمى رادَها أَمَلي
في جانِبٍ هُوَ لِلإِنسانِ مُنتَجَعُ
29. My gratitude continues to ripen in its positions,
Like the farm ripens in the traces of irrigation.
٢٩. ما زالَ يونِقُ شُكري في مَواقِعِها
كَالمُزنِ تونِقُ في آثارِهِ التُرَعُ
30. Gratitude that satisfies, the goodness of its taste,
Amongst its folds the wafts between them split open.
٣٠. شُكرٌ يَروقُ وَيُرضي طيبُ طُعمَتِهِ
في طَيِّهِ نَفَحاتٌ بَينَها خِلَعُ
31. The enemy thought when they were absent that they were cut off,
Alas, the sea's flow is not cut off.
٣١. ظَنَّ العِدا إِذ أَغَبَّت أَنَّها اِنقَطَعَت
هَيهاتَ لَيسَ لِمَدِّ البَحرِ مُنقَطَعُ
32. No problem if the matter was bad in its beginnings,
The caring soul if it was pleased by the return.
٣٢. لا بَأسَ بِالأَمرِ إِن ساءَت مَبادِءُهُ
نَفسَ الشَفيقِ إِذا ما سَرَّتِ الرُجَعُ
33. The previous kin before their disgrace I was,
Like gum resin in their jaws not extractible.
٣٣. إِنَّ الأُلى كُنتُ مِن قَبلِ اِفتِضاحِهِمِ
مِثلَ الشَجا في لُهاهُم لَيسَ يُنتَزَعُ
34. I did not notice when hostile enmity was decaying,
Except as I noticed when they were supporters.
٣٤. لَم أَحظَ إِذ هُم عِداً بادٍ نِفاقُهُمُ
إِلّا كَما كُنتُ أَحظى إِذ هُمُ شِيَعُ
35. Nothing provoked them except what I circulated in praise,
In your fragrant musk from its breath artistry.
٣٥. ما غاظَهُم غَيرَ ما سَيَّرتُ مِن مِدَحٍ
في صائِكِ المِسكِ مِن أَنفاسِها فَنَعُ
36. How many grudges against me their hearts harbored,
As the spark harbored the burning ember.
٣٦. كَم غُرَّةٍ لي تَلَقَتّها قُلوبُهُمُ
كَما تَلَقّى شِهابَ الموقِدِ الشَمَعُ
37. If you contemplate my love the concealment of their deceit,
It did not escape the dawn's splitting as it cracked.
٣٧. إِذا تَأَمَّلتَ حُبّي غِبَّ غَشِّهِمِ
لَم يَخفَ مِن فَلَقِ الإِصباحِ مُنصَدِعُ
38. Those bells were not suited for any scent,
So the easiest thing it obtained with was barrenness.
٣٨. تِلكَ العَرانينُ لَم يَصلُح لَها شَمَمٌ
فَكانَ أَهوَنَ ما نيلَت بِهِ الجَدَعُ
39. You made your favors from them the evilest of trees,
The tree will not give fruit until the land is fertilized.
٣٩. أَودَعتَ نُعماكَ مِنهُم شَرَّ مُغتَرَسٍ
لَن يَكرُمَ الغَرسُ حَتّى تُكرَمُ البُقَعُ
40. The turns of fate compensated them for blessings,
It was chaste so no devotion from it discouraged them.
٤٠. لَقَد جَزَتهُم جَوازي الدَهرِ عَن مِنَنٍ
عَفَت فَلَم يَثنِهِم عَن غَمطِها وَرَعُ
41. Your grandfather continues to fell them with enemies,
If there was contention between people's ancestors.
٤١. لا زالَ جَدُّكَ بِالأَعداءِ يَصرَعُهُم
إِن كانَ بَينَ جُدودِ الناسِ مُصطَرَعُ