1. If my hands have stricken you
And harmed you against my will
١. إِن تَكُن نالَتكِ بِالضَربِ يَدي
وَأَصابَتكِ بِما لَم أُرِدِ
2. Then for my life I'd be your ransom
With wealth and children, as you will
٢. فَلَقَد كُنتُ لَعَمري فادِياً
لَكِ بِالمالِ وَبَعضِ الوَلَدِ
3. So trust my word and troth fast-sworn
My faith and conscience pure as morn
٣. فَثِقي مِنّي بِعَهدٍ ثابِتٍ
وَضَميرٍ خالِصِ المُعتَقَدِ
4. And if some days bring pain and sorrow
Joy comes on the morrow
٤. وَلَئِن ساءَكِ يَومٌ فَاعلَمي
أَن سَيَتلوهُ سُرورٌ بِغَدِ