1. How long will you blame your lover, when blaming does no good?
My heart is lost, and will not now return to what it should.
١. ما طولُ عَذلِكِ لِلمَحِبُّ بِنافِعِ
ذَهَبَ الفُؤادُ فَلَيسَ فيهِ بِراجِعِ
2. You rose high when you thought to reach its dwelling-place;
But no! No triumph there for one who seeks with haste.
٢. فُنِّدتِ حينَ طَمِعتِ في سُلوانِهِ
هَيهاتَ لا ظَفَرٌ هُناكَ لِطامِعِ
3. Leave him where the field of youth is wide and free,
So he may wander on, the rein held loose and negligently.
٣. فَدَعيهِ حَيثُ يَطولُ ميدانُ الصِبا
كَيما يَجُرُّ بِهِ عِنانَ الخالِعِ
4. What fault in one passion's slave if he avoids your chains,
Or what but truth in one whose troth the sword of parting cleaves?
٤. ماذا يُريبُكِ مِن فَتىً عَزَّ الهَوى
فَعَنا لِنَخوَتِهِ بِذِلَّةِ خاضِعِ
5. None knows the torment of his eyes in wakefulness
Who has not known the sweet of whispered love when darkness grieves.
٥. هَل غَيرَ أَن مَحضَ الوَفاءَ لِغادِرٍ
أَو غَيرَ أَن صَدَقَ الوِصالَ لِقاطِعِ
6. Woe for the days, whose pledge the years have rendered vain,
When I was duped by mirage gleam and fraud of desert rain.
٦. لَم يَهوَ مَن لَم يُمسِ قُرَّةَ عَينِهِ
سَهَرُ الصَبابَةِ في خَلِيٍّ هاجِعِ
7. A time of pearls of dew in rose leaves folded up,
When, if the loved one chid for rashness, youth pled pardon for the fault.
٧. واهاً لِأَيّامٍ خَلَت ما عَهدُها
في حينَ ضَيَّعَتِ العُهودَ بِضائِعِ
8. What care I for a world where the dream's luminary lies,
Where the dune writhes in vapor breath beneath deceiving skies?
٨. زَمَنٌ كَما راقَ السَقيطُ مِنَ النَدى
يَستَنُّ في صَفَحاتِ وَردٍ يانِعِ
9. Not to be quenched my yearning for the honeyed sting
Till I can probe the hive anew, the perforated comb to wring.
٩. أَيّامَ إِن عَتَبَ الحَبيبُ لِهَفوَةٍ
شَفَعَ الشَبابُ فَكانَ أَكرَمَ شافِعِ
10. Who will convey from me when gone the news if I am dead,
That I had no regard for self when friendly counsels called and said?
١٠. ما لي وَلِلدُنيا غُرِرتُ مِنَ المُنى
فيها بِبارِقَةِ السَرابِ الخادِعِ
11. For baseness I have raised a rampart of disdain
To shed its shadow on the march and progress of the years.
١١. ما إِن أَزالُ أَرومُ شُهدَةَ عاسِلٍ
أُحمى مُجاجَتَها بِإِبرَةِ لاسِعِ
12. May Fate be crushed that turned and fled: I did not run
Behind him; never was I found his footsteps dogging, to begin.
١٢. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي البِلادَ إِذا نَبَت
أَن لَستُ لِلنَفسِ الأَلوفِ بِباخِعِ
13. Not all the wish to drink one drop from off the lips
Can bring the name of rich to him whom true contentment trips.
١٣. أَمّا الهَوانُ فَصُنتُ عَنهُ صَفحَةً
أَغشى بِها حَدَّ الزَمانِ الشارِعِ
14. God who protects the dispossessed shall be my stay,
For oft, when Terror bared its claw, He turned its cutting edge away.
١٤. فَليُرغِمِ الحَظَّ المَوَلِّيَ أَنَّهُ
وَلّى فَلَم أُتبِعهُ خُطوَةَ تابِعِ
15. A king who knew that glory comes of high resolve
Stirred up his strength to act, and men his deeds with pleasure solve.
١٥. إِنَّ الغِنى لَهُوَ القَناعَةُ لا الَّذي
يَشتَفُّ نُطفَةَ ماءِ وَجهِ القانِعِ
16. A noble nature is a flower in bloom; the thorn
May never master it, but mocks itself, and lives forlorn.
١٦. اللَهُ جارُ الجَهوَرِيِّ فَطالَما
مُنِيَت صَفاةُ الدَهرِ مِنهُ بِقارِعِ
17. He said, My rival shall not rob me of success,
And spread his infinite domain, munificence to profess.
١٧. مَلِكٌ دَرى أَنَّ المَساعِيَ سُمعَةٌ
فَسَعى فَطابَ حَديثُهُ لِلسامِعِ
18. Calm in the gifted one, as though a lion there
Crouched dandling cubs, beneath a sturdy mountain overhanging his lair.
١٨. شِيَمٌ هِيَ الزَهرُ الجَنِيُّ تَبَسَّمَت
عَنهُ الكَمائِمُ في الضَحاءِ الماتِعِ
19. Sweet the possession to the friend; if rival claim,
The poison shall its consumer shrivel, eating like a flame.
١٩. أَغرى مُنافِسَهُ لِيُدرِكَ شَأوَهُ
فَشَآهُ بِالباعِ الطَويلِ الواسِعِ
20. O Thou whose justice comprehends all other things below,
Scarce could we live enclosed, with walls so thin, so poor, so low.
٢٠. ثَبتُ السَكينَةِ في النَدِيِّ كَأَنَّما
تِلكَ الحُبا ليثَت بِهَضبِ مَتالِعِ
21. To Thee forever yearning, prostrate or erect,
From Thee we hold an easy life, a refuge circumspect.
٢١. عَذبُ الجَنى لِلأَولِياءِ فَإِن يَهِج
فَالسَمُّ يَأبى أَن يَسوغَ لِجارِعِ
22. Then lavish from Thy store an ampler share of bliss
Upon their heavenly revenue of bows and prayers and praise in this.
٢٢. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي حاطَ الهُدى
لَولاكَ كانَ حِمىً قَليلَ المانِعِ
23. The best of months rose crescent, and Thou chosest best
Of lands its noblest, most propitious rising to attest.
٢٣. أَنِسَ الأَنامُ إِلَيكَ فيهِ فَهُم بِهِ
مِن قائِمٍ أَو ساجِدٍ أَو راكِعِ
٢٤. مُتَبَوِّئونَ جَنابَ عَيشٍ مونِقٍ
مُتَفَيِّئونَ ظِلالَ أَمنٍ شائِعِ
٢٥. فَلتَضرِبَن مَعَهُم بِأَوفَرِ شِركَةٍ
في أَجرِهِم مِن موتِرٍ أَو شافِعِ
٢٦. خَيرُ الشُهورِ اِختَرتَ عِندَ طُلوعِهِ
خَيرَ البِقاعِ لَهُ بِأَسعَدِ طالِعِ